
Child Poverty Strategy for Scotland - Our Approach - 2014 - 2017

The 2014 revision of the Child Poverty Strategy continues to focus on the same key areas as the Child Poverty Strategy for Scotland, describing outcomes around maximising household resources, improving children's wellbeing and life chances and well designed, sustainable places.

Next Steps

We will work with the Ministerial Advisory Group to further develop the outcomes framework and associated indicators, to provide more robust reporting across the full range of intermediate outcomes in the 2015 Annual Report. This should enable us to draw conclusions about progress in tackling child poverty both across the Scottish Government and more broadly.

We will work with stakeholders both internally and externally to ensure that we tackle inequalities and improve the life chances of Scotland's children.

We will ensure that upcoming legislation detailed in this document is used to put in place the necessary provisions to ensure every effort is made to help children and young people growing up in poverty.

We will produce annual reports highlighting case studies from Scottish Government initiatives as well as the work carried out by the third sector, Local Authorities, business and other stakeholders.

We will review this document following the referendum in September and any subsequent constitutional changes.


Email: Welfare Division

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