
Child Protection Improvement Programme report

Report on the key messages and next steps of the Child Protection Improvement Programme.

Ministerial Foreword

Photo of Mark McDonald Minister for Childcare and Early Years

On 25 th February 2016, the then Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning, Angela Constance MSP, announced in Parliament that the Scottish Government would be undertaking a Child Protection Improvement Programme ( CPIP). The Programme's core objective was to identify where recommendations for sustainable improvement could be made, building upon the observable improvements in practice that have already taken place in recent years and seeking to further embed Scotland's unique approach to child wellbeing: Getting it Right for Every Child ( GIRFEC).

I am pleased to publish the report of the Child Protection Improvement Programme ( CPIP), along with the report of the Child Protection Systems Review, independently chaired by Catherine Dyer, 'Protecting Scotland's Children and Young People: It is still everyone's job'. I accept the suite of recommendations and actions contained in these reports, and believe that their implementation will strengthen our child protection system.

The Child Protection Improvement Programme report sets out 35 Actions covering children's hearings; leadership and workforce development; inspections of children's services; neglect; data and evidence; child sexual exploitation; child internet safety; and trafficking. The Systems Review report makes 12 recommendations, covering Initial and Significant Case Reviews, Child Protection Committees, the Child Protection Register, and matters of leadership, governance and accountability.

Importantly, these reports mark a milestone in the Improvement Programme, not a conclusion. This government is absolutely committed to protecting children and young people and have already implemented a range of work with our partners to ensure children are given every opportunity to thrive. Scotland's children and young people deserve no less than our full joint commitment to continuing to work together to ensure that the recommendations and actions within these reports are implemented and further advance the progress already made.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of those who worked in partnership with the Scottish Government throughout the Child Protection Improvement Programme and System Review to identify the priority areas for improvement, and develop meaningful recommendations and actions that will help to improve the life chances of our most vulnerable children and young people. Their commitment and expertise have proven invaluable.

Mark McDonald

Minister for Childcare and Early Years


Email: Judith Ainsley

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