Discretionary Housing Payments - creating a Scottish scheme: child rights and welfare impact assessment - stage 2 screening
Stage 2 child rights and welfare impact assessment screening for the creation of a Scottish Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP) scheme.
Post Assessment Review and sign-off
11. Communicating impact to children and young people (Guidance Section 2.2)
How will you communicate to children and young people the impact that the relevant proposal is having or will have on their rights?
We did not communicate directly with children and young people on the creation of the Scottish DHP scheme as they are one step removed from the policy. The policy will be communicated to all those potentially eligible for a DHP, including parents. Local authorities have a duty to make available information on the scheme, including eligibility criteria and how to apply. Information on the policy was cascaded to all relevant departments and agencies. Third sector partners were updated about the changes to ensure they can give the most relevant and up to date advice through their services and to help publicise the message.
12. Planning for the review of impact on child rights (Stage 3) (Guidance Section 2.2)
We will monitor the impact of the proposal on child rights through a combination of approaches.
Each year the impacts of a number of previous UK Government welfare reforms on Scotland are estimated. We will use spending data to estimate the extent to which the reforms are being successfully mitigated.
We will work with third sector organisations to identify barriers to access and any systematic or widespread failure to reach any particular population.
We will review the CRWIA and complete Stage 3 in 3 years.
13. Compatibility sign off statement (Guidance Section 2.2)
This relevant proposal has been assessed against the UNCRC requirements and has been found to be compatible.
Policy Lead Signature & Date of Sign Off: Andrew Weild, 19th February 2024
Deputy Director Signature & Date of Sign Off: Alice Hall, 19th February 2024
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