COVID-19 and flu vaccination 2022 to 2023: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment

Children's rights and wellbeing impact assessment (CRWIA) for the 2022 to 2023 Flu and COVID-19 Vaccination Programme (FVCV).

6. How have you consulted with relevant stakeholders, including involving children and young people in the development of the policy/measure?

Given the unprecedented circumstances presented by the COVID-19 pandemic and the need to react quickly to protect all in society, including children and young people, it was possible to consult directly with children and young people on our vaccination policy.

While children and young people have not been directly consulted on the use of COVID-19 vaccine, we have engaged extensively with organisations representing their interests.

All of the decisions related to the vaccination of children and young people have been taken in the best interests of children and young people, as well as to promote health, wellbeing and safety.

It should be noted that COVID-19 vaccinations are not mandatory, therefore this policy is based on voluntary uptake of the offer of vaccination by children and young people.

In all instances, the offer of vaccination must be accompanied by appropriate information to enable children and young people, and those with parental responsibility, to be adequately able to appraise the potential harms and benefits of vaccination as part of the informed consent process prior to vaccination.



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