
Student financial support - relevant connection to Scotland: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment

Child rights and wellbeing impact assessment (CRWIA) for access to home fee status/ student financial support in relation to those considered to have a Relevant Connection to Scotland.

Post Assessment Review and sign-off

10. Communicating impact to children and young people (Guidance Section 2.2)

How will you communicate to children and young people the impact that the relevant proposal is having or will have on their rights?

Regulatory changes will be laid before the Scottish Parliament in May 2023.

Information on support available for this group will be available on the SAAS and Student Information Scotland websites.

Response to the public consultation will be published on the Scottish Government website ( and via Citizen Space (

Providing information to children and young people on how their rights are being or will be impacted helps to ensure that policy-development is transparent. Are you publishing a child-friendly or accessible CRWIA?

No – information and guidance will be provided on the SAAS / Student Information Scotland website.

11. Planning for the review of impact on child rights (Stage 3)

As SAAS / colleges gather statistical data on student applications, officials will be able to annually monitor the impact of the policy change on this group going forward.

Stage 3 will be completed after a sufficient period of time has lapsed to ensure the policy is bedded in and trend analysis can be captured potentially in 2/ 3 years’ time.

12. Compatibility sign off statement

This relevant proposal has been assessed against the UNCRC requirements and has been found to be compatible.

Policy Lead Signature & Date of Sign Off: Nicola Nisbet 27/04/2023

Deputy Director Signature & Date of Sign Off: Catherine Topley 25/05/2023

SGLD Sign Off: Yes



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