
Functions of Health Boards (Scotland) Amendment Order 2017: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment

This policy is intended to enable women from Northern Ireland who are in Scotland to have an abortion using NHS services without being charged.

The Functions of Health Boards (Scotland) Amendment Order 2017: Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA)

CRWIA front sheet


A general description of the policy/measure

The Functions of Health Boards (Scotland) Amendment Order 2017

This statutory instrument will empower NHS Boards to provide free abortion services to women from Northern Ireland in Scotland.

Project initiation document

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Initiating department

The responsible team or division. If this is a cross-cutting policy, name the team that has overall responsibility

Environmental Risks, Infections and Sexual Health Team, Health Protection Division.

Policy aims

What the policy or measure is trying to achieve; what are the expected outcomes

The policy is intended to enable women from Northern Ireland who are in Scotland to be able to have an abortion using NHS services without being charged.


What is the time frame for a policy announcement/ consultation/ implementation?

A statutory instrument will be laid in Parliament in September 2017, with the intention that it will come into effect in November 2017.


19 September 2017


Gareth Brown, Head of Health Protection Division

CRWIA Stage 1
Screening - key questions

1. What aspects of the policy/measure will affect children and young people up to the age of 18?

The Functions of Health Boards (Scotland) Amendment Order 2017 will enable children and young people who are ordinarily resident in Northern Ireland to access abortion services in Scotland without being charged.

It is important to note that in Scotland, a foetus is not treated as a child in law until birth, and therefore we have not considered the impact of this policy on the foetus.

2. What likely impact - direct or indirect - will the policy/measure have on children and young people?

This policy will enable children and young people in Northern Ireland to access abortion services more easily as they will not have to pay for treatment in Scotland.

3. Are there particular groups of children and young people who are more likely to be affected than others?

As only female children of child-bearing age can need to access abortion services, these children will be more directly affected than male children. The impact of this policy on people with protected characteristics has been considered in the EQIA.

4. Who else have you involved in your deliberations?

The Equalities Unit.

5. Will this require a CRWIA?

This policy does not require a CRWIA. The number of children affected is likely to be very small, for example in 2016 5 children under 16, and a total of 24 children under 18 from Northern Ireland underwent and abortion in England and Wales, and none were treated in Scotland.

CRWIA Declaration

CRWIA required

CRWIA not required



Policy lead

Mary Stewart, Team Leader, Health Protection Division

19 September 2017

Deputy Director or equivalent

Gareth Brown, Head of Health Protection Division

19 September 2017


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