
Safeguarders - revised practice standards: children's rights and wellbeing impact assessment (CRWIA)

Children's rights and wellbeing impact assessment (CRWIA) for the implementation of revised practice standards for safeguarders published February 2023 by Children 1st.

2. What impact will your policy/measure have on children's rights?

Positive – by fully embedding a rights-based approach into the Practice Standards for Safeguarders, this change will ensure that Safeguarders are cognisant of where their practice can uphold children's rights in relation to the above articles. Additionally, as a core purpose of the Practice Standards is to help those who are in contact with a Safeguarder understand the role of the Safeguarder, and the expectations on quality and consistency of practice in the role, this change will help children and young people be more aware of their rights and how they will be upheld through Safeguarder practice. By ensuring that age-appropriate, child-friendly versions of the revised Practice Standards are available, this will also help spread awareness of children's rights as they relate to Safeguarder practice among younger children.



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