
Safeguarders - revised practice standards: children's rights and wellbeing impact assessment (CRWIA)

Children's rights and wellbeing impact assessment (CRWIA) for the implementation of revised practice standards for safeguarders published February 2023 by Children 1st.

8. How will the impact of the policy/measure be monitored?

The impact of this change will be monitored through a number of channels. Firstly, Safeguarder performance is monitored and assessed against the Practice Standards, and reported to Ministers as part of the reappointment process. Secondly, service users, including children and young people, can complain when Safeguarder practice does not meet the expected standards. This may include where Safeguarder practice has not upheld children's rights in line with the Practice Standards. Thirdly, the change will be monitored as part of the ongoing contract management structures in place between the Scottish Government and Children 1st, and reviewed at quarterly contract management meetings.



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