
Mental health and wellbeing strategy, delivery plan and workforce action plan: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment (CRWIA)

Assessing the anticipated impact of the mental health and wellbeing strategy, delivery plan and workforce action plan on children's human rights and wellbeing.

10. Planning for the review of impact on child rights (Stage 3) (Guidance Section 2.2)

As part of the decision making process, plans for reviewing the impact on child rights need to be developed.

  • How is the impact of the relevant proposal on child rights being monitored or how will it be monitored in the future?

The monitoring and evaluation framework will take into account equalities and rights, and put in place mechanisms for monitoring outcomes for children and young people. A new Leadership Board is being developed as part of the governance process. The Board will help to agree the monitoring and evaluation framework which will be within the lifetime of the first delivery plan.

  • When will you review your CRWIA and complete Stage 3?

This CRWIA will be reviewed after the next Delivery Plan is reviewed, in 18 months.



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