National flood resilience strategy: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment

Child rights and wellbeing impact assessment (CRWIA) for the National Flood Resilience Strategy.


1. A.L. Kay, A.C. Rudd, M. Fry, G. Nash, S. Allen. (2021). Climate change impacts on peak river flows: Combining national-scale hydrological modelling and probabilistic projections. Climate Risk Management (31).

2. Currie, M, Philip, L, Dowds, G, (2020). Long-term impacts of flooding following the winter 2015/16 flooding in North East Scotland: Summary Report. Centre of Expertise for Waters, Glasgow, UK.

3. Thomas, R, Niedzwiedz, C. (2024) 'Building Public Health Resilience to Fluvial Flooding in Scotland', Centre of Expertise for Water, Glasgow, UK.

4. Thomas, R and Niedzwiedz, C.(2024). Building Public Health Resilience to Fluvial Flooding in Scotland Policy Brief. CSPF2023_01. Centre of Expertise for Waters (CREW).

5. Werrity, A, Houston, D, Ball, T, Tavendale, A, and Black, A (2007). Exploring the Social Impacts of Flood Risk and Flooding in Scotland, Scottish Executive Social Research

6. Mapping Flood Disadvantage in Scotland 2015: Main Report

7. Mort M, Walker M, Lloyd Williams A, Bingley A & Howells V. (2016) Final project report for 'Children, Young People and Flooding: Recovery and Resilience', Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK

8. Shirazi, P and Elliot, S (2023), Just Transition – engagement with children and young people, Final Report, Children and Young People's Evidence Bank., p19.

9. Werrity, A, Houston, D, Ball, T, Tavendale, A and Black, A (2007). Exploring the Social Impacts of Flood Risk and Flooding in Scotland. Scottish Executive, Central Research Unit.



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