
Scottish Attainment Challenge 2022 to 2023 - 2025 to 2026: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment

Children's rights and wellbeing impact assessment (CRWIA) for Scottish Attainment Challenge 2022/2023 – 2025/2026.

9. How will you communicate to children and young people the impact of the policy/measure on their rights?

The SAC refresh will look to communicate the impact of the policy to children and young people in a range of ways. One of the ways we hope to do this is through National Programmes the SAC refresh continues to support YouthLink Scotland (YLS), Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG), CELCIS and Young Scot (YS) who work closely with children and young people.

There will be a suite of materials including the Framework for Recovery and Accelerating Progress and operational guidance for the core funding streams of the SAC which reaffirm an expectation that schools and local authorities take steps to engage children and young people in the development of their local approaches to achieving the mission of the Challenge.

Within the guidance for the key funding streams to local authorities and schools via the SAC (SEF, PEF and CECYP funding) is an expectation children and young people (and their families) have the opportunity to influence local decision making on and planning of approaches to achieving the mission of SAC. The guidance will sign post key support documents for local leaders to consult, including a bespoke resource developed by Education Scotland which guides local leaders through a range of key considerations for such engagement and provides examples of this type of engagement being done effectively in local settings. This guidance includes amongst its six key stages (developed originally by Children in Scotland) "feedback, evaluation and next steps".

Further developments will be shared through Education Scotland's the National Improvement Hub. We will also be encouraging local authorities to share good practice on capturing children and young people's views and opinions.



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