Child rights and wellbeing impact assessment external guidance and templates

Guidance on how to complete a Children's Rights and Wellbeing Screening Sheet and Impact Assessment (CRWIA). Includes links to useful resources for gathering evidence, involving children and young people in the development of your policy/measure and ensuring decisions are necessary and proportionate

Annex 2 - The policy process and timelines for developing CRWIAs for decisions of a strategic nature – plain text

Step 1: Need for new/revised policy, projects programmes or services identified

Step 2: Begin CRWIA Stage 1 Screening Q1

Sub-step 2.1: Who/what is the focus of the proposal

Sub-step 2.2: Define desired outcome

Sib-step 2.3: Review evidence and identify any gaps

Sub-step 2.4: Identify options

Step 3: How might children and young people be directly /indirectly affected by each option? (Qs 2 and 3)

Step 4: Is there potential for impact on children's rights and wellbeing?

If no move to step 5

If yes move to step 4.1

Step 5: Gather/ review existing evidence to support the decision.

Step 6: Complete Q4, sign-off and publish stage 1 screening. Move to step 14.

Step 7: Complete Q4, get sign off, publish and move on to Stage 2

Sub-step 7.1: Develop consultation and engagement plan

Step 8: Begin CRWIA Stage 2

Step 9: Gather and analyse existing evidence, undertake consultation with stakeholders and children and young people (Stage 2 Qs 1 to 3)

Step 10: Review proposal and record what changes have happened as a result of the evidence gathered (Q4)

Step 11: Identify impact of proposal on children's rights and wellbeing (Qs 5 to 9)

Sub-step 11.1: Develop policy, project, programme and/or service

Step 12: Communications and evaluation planning (Qs 10 and 11)

Step 13: Sign-off and publication of CRWIA

Step 14: Finalise and implement policy, project, programme and/or service

Step 15: Monitor policy, project, programme and/or service. Complete CRWIA Stage 3 - Child Rights Impact Evaluation



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