
Scottish Crown Estate strategic management plan - CRWIA not required: declaration

Scottish Ministers' decision to not carry out a full Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA) at this moment in time.

Draft Strategic Management Plan for the management of the Scottish Crown Estate : CRWIA

CRWIA Stage 1: Key questions

1. Name the policy, and describe its overall aims.

Draft Strategic Management Plan for the management of the Scottish Crown Estate.

The Scottish Crown Estate Act 2019 places a duty on the Scottish Ministers to prepare a Strategic Management Plan for the management of the Scottish Crown Estate. The Act makes provision for what must be included in the plan and how it must be prepared, consulted on and reviewed. These requirements include:

(a) setting out the Scottish Ministers' objectives, priorities and policies in relation to the management of the Estate (including the acquisition of new assets); and

(b) an assessment of how those objectives, priorities and policies align with the Scottish Ministers' other objectives, priorities and policies.

The Strategic Management Plan will sit within and contribute to the delivery of the National Performance Framework and the Scottish Government's purpose: "To focus on creating a more successful country with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish through increased wellbeing, and sustainable and inclusive economic growth."

The purpose and aim of the Strategic Management Plan for the management of the Scottish Crown Estate assets is to set out a transparent statement on the vision and high level objectives or outcomes for the future management of the Estate, including how the new framework could look over the five year period of the Plan. The vision is that the Scottish Crown Estate is managed sustainably, responsibly and fairly, and in a transparent and inclusive manner, to deliver financial benefits and wider and long term social, economic and environment benefits for Scotland and its communities.

In summary the draft Strategic Management Plan includes:

  • Vision;
  • High level objectives, priorities and policies;
  • Other objectives, priorities and policies in relation to the management of the Estate;
  • Information or policies on revenue;
  • Future intentions on what guidance will be developed;
  • Plans for how the discretionary powers for Scottish Ministers contained in the Act may be used e.g. general powers for direction to define accounting or other requirements, rent and other charges, investment of money;
  • A process for inviting and considering proposals for transfer or delegation of management of an asset or part or an asset.

The consultation will help shape the final Strategic Management Plan for the management of the Scottish Crown Estate.

2. What aspects of the policy/measure will affect children and young people up to the age of 18?

The draft Strategic Management Plan will set out the Scottish Ministers' objectives, priorities and policies for the management of Scottish Crown Estate assets. Our assessment is that the proposals in the Strategic Management Plan will not directly affect children and young people up to the age of 18.

3. What likely impact – direct or indirect – will the policy/measure have on children and young people?

No direct impacts are expected from the objectives, priorities and policies within the draft Strategic Management Plan.

A driver for reform of the management of Scottish Crown Estate assets is to seek to ensure that local communities benefit from the devolution of the powers through the revenue raised from assets and opportunities for local management of parts of the Estate. The draft Strategic Management Plan sets out the Scottish Ministers' objectives, priorities and policies for the Estate. In addition, future managers of one or more assets will be required to produce Management Plans for the assets based on the Strategic Management Plan. They must seek to contribute to the promotion or improvement of wider socio-economic and environmental factors when carrying out their functions.

All the above factors, could, once the provisions are commenced, have an indirect positive impact. However, any such impacts will flow from how individual managers take decisions within the overall legal framework once it has been introduced. This includes the development of individual Management Plans. It is expected that these decisions would not be targeted at children or disproportionately or specifically affect this population group.

4. Which groups of children and young people will be affected?

No groups will be directly affected from the draft high level objectives, priorities or policies proposed in the draft Strategic Management Plan.

5. Will this require a CRWIA?

No. The policy is to develop a Strategic Management Plan for the management of the Scottish Crown Estate, and to set out a transparent statement on the vision and high level objectives or outcomes for the future management of the estate. It is unlikely to directly affect children and young people up to the age of 18.

Scottish Ministers are consulting on a draft Strategic Management Plan. If required, a full assessment to consider impacts on children and young people up to the age of 18 arising from the proposals will be undertaken following the consultation.

Section 23 (1) of the Act requires that the Scottish Ministers must, not later than the end of each 5 year review period, review the Strategic Management Plan. This will include an assessment on whether a CRWIA is required.

CRWIA Declaration

CRWIA required

CRWIA not required


Policy lead
David Mallon
Head of Crown Estate Strategy Unit
Marine Scotland: Aquaculture, Crown Estate, Recreational Fisheries, EMFF and Europe

20 August 2019

Deputy Director or equivalent
Mike Palmer
Deputy Director
Marine Scotland: Aquaculture, Crown Estate, Recreational Fisheries, EMFF and Europe

20 August 2019



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