
School age childcare delivery framework: child rights and wellbeing screening

Child rights and wellbeing impact assessment (CRWIA) screening has been completed for the School Age Childcare Delivery Framework 2023 as a supporting measure to determine whether a CRWIA is required.

3. What likely impact – direct or indirect – will the policy/measure have on children and young people?

‘Direct’ impact refers to policies/measures where children and young people are directly affected by the proposed changes, e.g. in early years, education, child protection or looked after children (children in care).

‘Indirect’ impact refers to policies/measures that are not directly aimed at children but will have an impact on them. Examples include: welfare reforms, parental leave, housing supply, or local transport schemes.

As already noted, the Delivery Framework will not provide detailed timescales for delivery or implementation, nor will it set out any changes to policy at this stage. The purpose of the Delivery Framework is to set out our approach and principles that we will apply to design and build a better system of school age childcare. It will also outline the action areas we will focus on over the next 3 years.

The Delivery Framework will outline our person-centred and place-based design approaches, how we will test and sustain changes, whilst taking time to fully understand, learn, adapt and improve services for target families. It will also set out how we intend to work collaboratively with children, families, our partners in the sector as we build and test.

The School Age Childcare Programme is one of the projects included in this year’s Scottish Government Transformational Change Programme. Individual projects within the School Age Childcare Programme will implement their own processes for Impact Assessments. Projects will ensure that consultation with stakeholders (including with children where appropriate) is embedded into their programme of work, in order to reflect and record any impacts on children and young people (especially those with protected characteristics). As such, formal programme-level or policy-level impact assessments will be considered and developed where necessary.

The Delivery Framework publication therefore is not expected to have any impacts, direct or indirect, on children and young people.



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