
School age childcare delivery framework: child rights and wellbeing screening

Child rights and wellbeing impact assessment (CRWIA) screening has been completed for the School Age Childcare Delivery Framework 2023 as a supporting measure to determine whether a CRWIA is required.

4. Which groups of children and young people will be affected?

Under the UNCRC, ‘children’ can refer to: individual children, groups of children, or children in general. Some groups of children will relate to the groups with protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010: disability, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation. ‘Groups’ can also refer to children by age band or setting, or those who are eligible for special protection or assistance: e.g. preschool children, children in hospital, children in rural areas, looked after children, young people who offend, victims of abuse or exploitation, child migrants, or children living in poverty.

The Delivery Framework sets out our commitment to provide funded school age childcare to primary aged children from low income families, with a particular focus on targeting the six priority family types identified in the Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan. The Delivery Framework itself is not directed at any particular groups of children and young people but it does outline our intention to provide school age childcare to primary aged children (P1 - P7) from low income families.



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