
Children in families with limited resources across Scotland 2014-2016

New estimates of the proportion of children in combined low income and material deprivation by council area and household characteristics.


  • The data was collected through the Scottish Household Survey ( SHS) over three years from 2014 to 2016.
  • The statistics will be updated annually.
  • To understand which families are experiencing material deprivation, we analysed the material deprivation and income data. Looking at the level of material deprivation that best distinguishes families with low incomes from families with higher income. Based on this analysis, we consider families who cannot afford three or more necessities as deprived.
  • In this publication, low income means having an income below 70% of the median (or middle) household income after housing costs. This definition includes more people than those poverty measures that look at income only and are based on 60% of the median household income. Using the wider definition is consistent with other combined poverty measures.
  • The SHS income data is currently collected for up to two adults in each household. This means that the household income for large households may be underestimated. For future updates, the income data will be improved.


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