
Child contact services - regulation: consultation

The Children (Scotland) Act 2020 gives the Scottish Ministers the power to regulate child contact centres. This consultation seeks views on various aspects of what regulation of child contact centres would look like.

Part 5: Conclusion

Impact Assessments

5.1. In accordance with usual practice, the Scottish Government has prepared a number of impact assessments in relation to the development of policy in this area.

5.2. The Scottish Government considers that the changes proposed or considered in this consultation have minimal impact on the environment. Accordingly, the Scottish Government has sent a pre-screening exemption from Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) to the usual SEA consultation authorities.[37]

5.3. A draft Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) is attached at Annex D. This provides details of the estimated cost of adopting various options discussed in the consultation.

5.4. A draft Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA) is attached at Annex E. This considers which Articles of the UNCRC are engaged by the proposals and the policy options identified for children and young people. The CRWIA also sets out the evidence that the Scottish Government has identified so far as relevant to the assessment of these options.

5.5. A Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) has also been undertaken and a draft is attached at Annex F.

5.6. The changes proposed to the law would have impacts in relation to equalities. A draft Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) is attached at Annex G.

5.7. A Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment has been undertaken and a draft is available at Annex H

5.8. An Island Communities Impact Assessment has been undertaken and a drafts is available at Annex I.

Question 20)

As we continue to develop these policy proposals and work to understand their potential impact, do you have any comments about, or evidence relevant to, any of the following:

a) the draft Business And Regulatory Impact Assessment Yes/No

b) the draft Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment Yes/No

c) the draft Data Protection Impact Assessment Yes/No

d) the draft Equality Impact Assessment Yes/No

e) the draft Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment Yes/No

f) the draft Island Communities Impact Assessment Yes/No

If you have answered yes please provide your comments.

Any further comments

5.9. The Scottish Government recognises that in order to develop well informed policy and legislation, it is important that we receive responses reflecting the range of views held on this subject.

5.10. Consultees are welcome to make any other comments relating to this consultation.

Question 21)

Do you have any further comments?

Yes / No

If you have answered yes please provide your comments.



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