
Child contact services - regulation: consultation

The Children (Scotland) Act 2020 gives the Scottish Ministers the power to regulate child contact centres. This consultation seeks views on various aspects of what regulation of child contact centres would look like.

Annex C: Indicative timetable for implementation of child contact services regulation

NB these are indicative only and may change.

Timing: Activity

Summer 2021: Analysis of consultation responses and drafting regulations

Late 2021: Regulations appointing body to oversee regulation of child contact centres laid before Parliament.

Early 2022: Regulations appointing body to oversee regulation of child contact services comes into force.

Early 2022: Regulations laid in the Scottish Parliament establishing minimum standards for accommodation and staff training at child contact centres.

Early 2022 – Summer 2022: Initial set up time for appointed body, including staff training and developing internal policies and processes

Summer 2022 – Spring 2023: Appointed person carries out initial inspections and registers child contact services

April 2023: Regulations establishing minimum standards come fully into force,



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