
Children, young people and families outcomes framework - core wellbeing indicators: analysis

A national report presenting data from the set of 21 core wellbeing indicators which are part of Scotland’s Children, Young People and Families Outcomes Framework.

Annex D Core Wellbeing Indicator Sources

How I grow and develop


Core Wellbeing Indicator

Data source

Pre-school development

Percentage of children with a concern at their 27-30 month review

Early child development statistics - Scotland 2021 to 2022 - Early child development - Publications - Public Health Scotland


Percentage of P1, P4 and P7 children achieving expected CfE levels in literacy

Achievement of Curriculum for Excellence Levels


Percentage of P1, P4 and P7 children achieving expected CfE levels in numeracy

Achievement of Curriculum for Excellence Levels

Positive destinations

Percentage of all school leavers in positive destinations at 9-month follow-up

Summary statistics for follow-up leaver destinations, no. 5: 2023 edition - (

Play/leisure activities

Percentage of S1-S3 children participating in positive leisure activities

Health and Wellbeing Census Scotland (core wellbeing indicators supplementary tables)

Physical activity

Percentage of P5-S6 children that had at least one hour of exercise the day before the survey

Health and Wellbeing Census Scotland (physical health supplementary tables)


Percentage of P5-S6 children who eat both fruit and vegetables every day

Health and Wellbeing Census Scotland (core wellbeing indicators supplementary tables)

Mental wellbeing

Mean score on Warwick Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Score (WEMWBS)

Health and Wellbeing Census Scotland (core wellbeing indicators supplementary tables)

Mental health

Percentage of S2-S6 children with slightly raised, high or very high SDQ score

Health and Wellbeing Census Scotland (mental health and wellbeing (SDQ) supplementary tables)

What I need from the people that look after me


Core Wellbeing Indicator

Data source

Trusted adult

Percentage of P5-S5 children who say they always have an adult in their life who they can trust and talk to about any personal problems

Health and Wellbeing Census Scotland (neighbourhood and life at home supplementary tables)

Peer relationships

Percentage of P5-S3 children who agree that their friends treat them well

Health and Wellbeing Census Scotland (neighbourhood and life at home supplementary tables)

Quality services

Percentage of settings providing funded Early Learning and Childcare achieving Care Inspectorate grades of good or better across all four quality themes

Early Learning and Childcare Statistics, Care Inspectorate

Involvement in decision making

Percentage of P5-S6 children who agree that adults are good at taking what they say into account

Health and Wellbeing Census Scotland (mental health supplementary tables)


Percentage of P5-S3 children who were bullied in last year

Health and Wellbeing Census Scotland (experience of bullying supplementary tables)

Protection from harm

Number of children and young people subject to Interagency Referral Discussions

Not currently available (from 2023/24 Social work statistics)

My wider world


Core Wellbeing Indicator

Data source

Child poverty

Relative child poverty rate after housing costs

Child poverty analysis - (

FRS local poverty estimates

Housing security

Number of children in temporary accommodation

Homelessness in Scotland: 2022-23 - (

Neighbourhood satisfaction

Percentage of P5-S6 children who agree that their local area is a good place to live

Health and Wellbeing Census Scotland (neighbourhood and life at home supplementary tables)

Adult employment

Proportions of all children under 16 who live in households that contain at least one person aged 16 to 64, where all individuals aged 16 and over are in employment

ONS, Workless households for regions of the UK

Digital inclusion

Percentage of P7-S6 children who have access to the internet at home or on a phone or another device

Health and Wellbeing Census Scotland (neighbourhood and life at home supplementary tables)

Neighbourhood safety

Percentage of P5-S6 children who say they feel safe when out in their local area always or most of the time

Health and Wellbeing Census Scotland (neighbourhood and life at home supplementary tables)



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