
Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 part 11 - continuing care: guidance

This refreshed guidance for local authorities on continuing care aims to reflect developments in policy and practice as well as providing clarity to those who provide support services by addressing implementation gaps.

12. Alternatives to Continuing Care

If neither the relationship between a young person and their carer nor the accommodation can be maintained, it may be that the alternative provided by the local authority comes from another part of the service such as the Aftercare service.

As corporate parents, all local authority departments, including housing departments, must work collaboratively to provide suitable accommodation for care leavers. Whatever the resource and service provided, the local authority should ensure that the transition for the young person is as seamless as possible whilst best meeting their needs.

Where the duty to provide Continuing Care does not apply, or where it cannot be provided due to the circumstances above, the local authority should make every effort to provide support of an equivalent standard, including maintaining existing relationships with carers and siblings, if appropriate.

There may be challenges in providing equivalent support and accommodation, particularly if a young person is no longer able to stay within a long-established foster placement. The local authority should provide accommodation and support which best meets the needs of the young person and should reflect the support and accommodation that would have been offered had Continuing Care been available.



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