
Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 part 11 - continuing care: guidance

This refreshed guidance for local authorities on continuing care aims to reflect developments in policy and practice as well as providing clarity to those who provide support services by addressing implementation gaps.

14. Aftercare

For whatever reason it ceases, once the Continuing Care placement comes to an end the local authority still has a duty to assess the young person for Aftercare support[48]. Local authorities have a duty to provide Aftercare support to all young people who leave care after they turn sixteen, until their nineteenth birthday[49]. Care leavers who are at least nineteen but less than twenty-six years of age may apply to their local authority for Aftercare support[50].

If the young person is assessed as having eligible needs[51] which cannot otherwise be met, the local authority is under a duty to provide the young person with such advice, guidance and assistance as it considers necessary for the purposes of meeting those needs (potentially up to their twenty-sixth birthday). [52]

If the young person is not found to have eligible needs, a local authority can still provide advice, guidance and assistance as it considers appropriate having regard to the person’s welfare[53]. A local authority may also provide Aftercare to a care leaver beyond the age of twenty-six years old, but they are not legally required to do so.[54]



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