
Children and Young People's Mental Health Task Force: recommendations

Recommendations from Children and Young People’s Mental Health Task Force to Scottish Government and COSLA.

Appendix 1:

Mental Health Policy Commission – Investing in a Resilient Generation: four building blocks (2018)

Building block Local focus to build the resilience of young people
Positive family, peer, and community relationships Enhanced perinatal support with a specific focus on the mental health of mothers and infants
Parenting programmes, which include fathers, where possible, and have a whole-family focus
Intensive support for families facing difficulties, building on the Family Recovery Project model with embedded mental health expertise
Investing in the social infrastructure of communities with a stronger focus on the needs of young people
Minimise adverse experiences and exclusions Ensure vulnerable families and young people have a secure base within the community in terms of income, housing, and access to health, education, and employment – using a combination of universal provision and targeted approaches such as Housing First
Community and family-based approaches to reduce harm caused by identifiable Adverse Childhood Experiences, such as abuse, domestic violence, bullying, or victimisation
Mentally friendly education and employment Whole-school Social and Emotional Learning programmes that are universal but can offer additional support for more vulnerable children
Whole-school approaches for addressing harmful behaviour, particularly bullying, substance abuse, and reducing exclusions
Supporting successful transitions in education (eg, primary/secondary school transition) and into employment
Encouraging employers to support the mental well-being of their workforce and make public reporting on employee engagement and well-being a requirement
Responding early and responding well to first signs of distress Accessible and friendly ‘one-stop-shop’ services for young people – eg, the Australian Headspace model or the Tavistock-AFC Thrive model here in the UK. The best services are those that are co-designed with young people and their families
An inclusive approach that involves family and friends in developing understanding and support, and that addresses social, relationship, or identity issues that may underlie young people’s mental distress – eg, Open Dialogue



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