
Children and Young People's Mental Health Task Force: recommendations

Recommendations from Children and Young People’s Mental Health Task Force to Scottish Government and COSLA.

Appendix 2:

NHS Glasgow City and Greater Clyde – Healthy Minds Framework

Mental Health Improvement & Early Intervention for school age children and young people

One Good Adult

Importance of dependable adult to supporting and protecting mental health of children and young people – e.g. strengthen parenting, mentoring, guidance, befriending initiatives

Resilience Development in Schools

Whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing – ethos, curriculum, positive behaviour, anti-bullying, pastoral care…

Resilience Development in Communities

Strong network of youth services, voluntary and community organisations, confident and skilled to support and intervene

Guiding Thru the Service Maze

Children, families & young people have range of support options for early intervention and can be helped to find their way to appropriate help quickly

Responding to Distress

Frontline staff in many agencies are confident and supported to intervene and help children and young people in situations of distress, including self harm and risk of suicide

Peer Help & Social Media

Those who share their problems enjoy better mental health - build opportunities for young people to provide peer support, and to use social media for wellbeing

Fife Health and Social Care Partnership – Our Minds Matter

Fife's Health and Social Care Partnership and its Children's Services Partnership have introduced, Our Minds Matter, a strategy to support young people's emotional wellbeing. Their 3 tiered approach is based on working with children, young people, their families and every member of the workforce, including volunteers who are involved in their support. It focusses on how best to provide additional support alongside universal and preventative services (using the building block language of "responding well and responding early to first signs of distress", "Investing in a Resilient Generation" and "Guiding thru the service maze"). The strategy provides additional support that is:

  • available to Fife young people based on their needs.
  • uses the Child Wellbeing Pathway along with the Contextual Assessment of Anxiety Framework
  • applies Core Fife Resources e.g. Seasons for Growth and 7 Habits for Teens
  • involves partners (e.g. parents and/or other professionals) in assessing and responding to individual children's needs
  • gives access to appropriate information to partners and young people at a suitable level
  • listens to and coaches young people to support them to be resilient and explore solutions.
  • refers to locally available support services.
  • built into the Children's Services Plan and Fife's Health and Social Care partnership's plan. While based in secondary schools, the "team around the child" includes primary mental health care workers, CAMHS team members including psychiatrists and school nurses.

Framework intervention as suggested by Fife Health and Social Care Partnership. Showing; Universal, Additional and Intensive levels.



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