
Children and Young People's Mental Health and Wellbeing Joint Delivery Board: glossary

The purpose of this glossary is to translate, explain and simplify terms that may at times create a barrier to understanding and communication in the Joint Delivery Board meetings.

Children and Young People's Mental Health and Wellbeing Joint Delivery Board - Glossary

An ongoing A – Z glossary of language, wording and acronyms.

What Do You Mean?:

There is an acknowledgement that the members of the Joint Delivery Board work across different areas and therefore one person's common language may not meet the needs or understanding of another. In engaging with children and young people and working together across professions and backgrounds, it is vitally important that language is accessible and enables full and open conversations.

Through each Joint Delivery Board meeting and all Task and Finish group engagements, – the Board is committed to ensuring there is a common language which is understood by all members. Members of the Board must feel confident to raise the issue of jargon or questions if they don't know the meaning of a term.

Supported by the input of youth representatives, a working document with an A-Z Glossary has been developed – to translate, explain and simplify terms that may at times create a barrier to understanding and communication in meetings. This document will remain live and will be updated as the work of the Board progresses to ensure that language and terminology remains inclusive to all.

What You Say?/What You Mean?


Adverse Childhood Experiences – these are defined as highly stressful, and potentially traumatic, events or situations that occur during childhood and/or adolescence. They can be a single event, or prolonged threats to, and breaches of, the young person's safety, security, trust or bodily integrity.

More info: Overview of ACEs - Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) - Children - Population groups - Public Health Scotland

Cabinet Secretary

Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care - the Cabinet Secretary is responsible for the Health and Social Care Directorates and NHS Scotland.

Current Cabinet Secretary: Humza Yousaf

More info: Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care - (


Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services - NHS Scotland Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) are multi-disciplinary teams that provide (i) assessment and treatment/interventions in the context of emotional, developmental, environmental and social factors for children and young people experiencing mental health problems, and (ii) training, consultation, advice and support to professionals working with children, young people and their families.

More info: Child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) | NHS Ed (

Care Experienced

'Care-experienced' refers to anyone who has been or is currently in care or from a looked after background at any stage of their life, no matter how short, including adopted children who were previously looked after.


CAMHS learning co-ordinators - Over the last few years, NHS Education Scotland has been building a network of CAMHS learning co-ordinators across the NHS boards to support the development of training and supervision in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services. The network helps promote, co-ordinate and develop training and supervision for existing and new staff.

More info: Child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) | NHS Ed (


Convention of Scottish Local Authorities - a councillor-led, cross-party organisation who champions councils' vital work to secure the resources and powers they need. They work on councils' behalf to focus on the challenges and opportunities they face, and to engage positively with governments and others on policy, funding and legislation.

More info: COSLA | COSLA


Children and young people.


Children and young people's mental health and wellbeing.


The 8 key areas that the Joint Delivery Board is working on to implement improvements for children and young people's mental health.

More info: Children and Young People's Mental Health and Wellbeing Joint Delivery Board - (


Distress Brief Intervention – a service available for short-term intensive support during mental health distress.

More info: Distress Brief Intervention - Connected Compassionate Support |


Department of Children and Families - works across government and with delivery partners to support systems and behavioural change to improve outcomes for children, young people and families.

More info: Children and Families Directorate - (


Early learning and childcare.

More info: The Early Years Framework - (


First Minster's Questions – held every week in the Scottish Parliament when Parliament is in active session, where Members of Parliament can ask the First Minister questions.

More info: Watch now | Scottish Parliament TV


Getting it Right for Every Child - Getting it right for every child supports families by making sure children and young people can receive the right help, at the right time, from the right people. The aim is to help them to grow up feeling loved, safe and respected so that they can realise their full potential.

More info: Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) - (


Local Authority – A public body that is officially responsible for all the public services and facilities in a particular area, governed by local councillors, there are 32 across the country in Scotland.

More info: COSLA | COSLA


The Joint Delivery Board has eight key deliverables which all have a Scottish Government lead official and a sponsor who is either a member of the Board or has been nominated by the board.


Mental Health – The World Health Organisation definition [2021]: "Mental health is more than just the absence of mental disorders or disabilities. Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community."

More info: Mental health: strengthening our response (

Minister for Mental Wellbeing and Social Care

The Minister for Mental Wellbeing and Social Care - the Minister reports to the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care, who has overall responsibility for the portfolio, and is a member of cabinet.

Responsibilities of the Minister include: Mental health; Child and Adolescent Mental Health; Adult support and protection; Autism, sensory impairment and learning difficulties; Dementia; Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland; Survivors of childhood abuse; The State Hospital at Carstairs.

Current Minister: Kevin Stewart

More info: Minister for Mental Wellbeing and Social Care - (


NHS Education Scotland - is an education and training body and a national health board within NHS Scotland responsible for developing and delivering healthcare education and training for the NHS, health and social care sector and other public bodies.

More info: About NHS Education for Scotland

Neurodevelopmental condition

A neurodevelopmental condition is categorised as disabilities in the functioning of the brain that affect a child's behaviour, memory or ability to learn e.g. Intellectual disorders, dyslexia, learning disabilities, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorders and Speech and Language Disorders


Neurodevelopmental pathway - for children and young people with complex needs, what works best is when the practitioners and services around them work together in a joined up way, through a clear pathway. This supports families to know that their needs are being recognised and met in the most effective way.

More info: Developing an integrated neurodevelopmental pathway for children and young people | Council For Disabled Children


Meaning around the time of birth.


Perinatal mental health – the mental health of mother and child before, during and in the initial period after birth.

More info: Perinatal and infant mental health | NHS Education for Scotland


Programme for Government - The Programme for Government is published every year at the beginning of September and sets out the actions the Government will take in the coming year and beyond. It includes the legislative programme and commitments for the next parliamentary year to drive forward change across all levels of society.

More info: Programme for Government - (


Public Health Scotland - is Scotland's lead national agency for improving and protecting the health and wellbeing of all of Scotland's people.

More info: Our vision and values - About Public Health Scotland - Our organisation - Public Health Scotland


Parliamentary Questions - Parliamentary questions can be asked by any MSP to the Scottish Government or the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body. The questions provide a means for MSPs to obtain factual and statistical information from both. Parliamentary questions can be in oral or written form. Oral questions are answered at Topical, Portfolio, General and First Minister's Question Times.

More info: About PQs, Answers and Motions - Parliamentary Business : Scottish Parliament

Programme Board

The Children and Young People's Mental Health and Wellbeing Programme Board was established in August 2019 to mobilise and implement the recommendations developed from the Youth Commission, Taskforce, CAMHS Audit and Rejected Referrals reports. Meeting for a final time in December 2020, the original aims of the Children and Young People's Mental Health and Wellbeing Programme Board have either been achieved, or have evolved into refreshed and additional new deliverables of The Children and Young People's Mental Health and Wellbeing Joint Delivery Board.

More info: Children and Young People's Mental Health and Wellbeing Programme Board - (


Stakeholders are individuals, groups or organisations that are affected by the work or activity of an organisation or service.


Social Work Scotland - is the professional body for social work and social care leaders. It provides an infrastructure through which the expertise of senior and operational managers can inform national debates about children and families, criminal justice, adult social care and public service reform.

More info: Social Work Scotland - Leading the Profession.


The Taskforce was one of the core initiating programmes and building blocks to the Joint Delivery Board through 2018-2019. The Taskforce investigated how to improve the way mental health services are organised, commissioned and provided and how to make it easier for young people to access help and support when needed, developing a number of recommendations to take forward.

More info: Children and Young People's Mental Health Task Force: recommendations - (


Transition Care Plan – a document that young people receiving treatment from CAMHS complete as part of their transition to adult mental health services.

More info: Transition Care Plans: moving from CAMHS to adult mental health services | NHS inform

T&F Group

Task and finish group – these are the 8 sub-groups of the joint delivery board. They are smaller more specialised groups of people working to implement the 8 deliverables.


In mental health the process or a period of changing from one service or another e.g. CAMHS to adult services, inpatient to outpatient services or services across different health board/local authority areas.

The Promise

The Promise is the initiative responsible for driving the work of change demanded by the findings of the Independent Care Review, to ensure that every child in Scotland grows up loved, safe and respected, able to realise their full potential.

More info: Home - The Promise

Youth Commission

The Scottish Government, Young Scot and SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health) worked in partnership to deliver a 16-month Youth Commission on Mental Health Services. This involved discussions, encouraged debate and gathered evidence towards developing recommendations and actions to improve the experiences of young people when accessing mental services in Scotland.

More info: YS_Youth_Commission_Mental_Health_FINAL.pdf (



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