
Children and Young People's Voices Matter: progress report - March 2022

Report on progress made on the actions agreed at the fifth annual meeting of Cabinet members and children and young people on 16 March 2021.


The fifth annual meeting of Cabinet members and children and young people was held virtually on 16 March 2021. This report highlights the progress made on the actions agreed at the event.

The Cabinet Takeover meeting is an example of the Scottish Government's commitment to Article 12 within the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) which states children and young people have the right to be heard and influence decisions on matters that affect them. The Scottish Government remains committed to incorporating the UNCRC into Scots Law and has made significant progress across many areas set out in the: Progressing the human rights of children in Scotland: action plan 2021 to 2024 - (

At this meeting MCPs and MSYPs represented children and young people's views from across Scotland and talked about issues that were important to them. This report highlights the work undertaken by the Scottish Government in response to the 16 actions points agreed in the meeting.

We would like to thank everyone who has supported this important work over the last year.

Seven Members of the Children's Parliament (MCPs) attended. They were Haris (12), Harry (11), Milosz (13), Teeda (11), Kelly (13), Kristers (13), Arden (12).

Seven members of Scottish Youth Parliament attended. They were: Josh Kennedy (Chair, MSYP for Renfrewshire North and West); Liam Fowley (Vice Chair, MSYP for Kilmarnock and Irvine Valley, Trustee, and SYP representative on the COVID-19 Education Recovery Group); Erin Campbell (MSYP for Midlothian North and Musselburgh, and Trustee); Ilse Cuthbertson (MSYP for Carers Trust Scotland and Convener of SYP's Health and Wellbeing Committee); Mollie McGoran (MSYP for Caithness Sutherland and Ross, Convener for SYP's Transport, Environment and Rural Affairs Committee, and Trustee); Brooke Barr (MSYP for Angus South and Convener of SYP's Jobs, Economy and Fair Work Committee); and Daniella Faakor Damptey (MSYP for Angus South).



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