
Children and Young People's Voices Matter: progress report - March 2022

Report on progress made on the actions agreed at the fifth annual meeting of Cabinet members and children and young people on 16 March 2021.

Anti-Racist Education (actions 1-4)

These actions are being addressed through the Scottish Government's Race Equality and Anti-Racism in Education Programme (REAREP) which was established in early 2021. This programme covers four key themes identified following robust stakeholder engagement: school leadership and professional learning; diversity in the teaching profession and education workforce; curriculum reform; and racism and racist incidents in schools.

A Programme Board, Stakeholder Network Group, four themed subgroups (taking forward the 4 themes noted above) and a children and young people's group have been established to take this programme forward.

Action 1 - Ensuring all children in Scotland get an anti-racist education and school staff in Scotland receive training and are able to deliver anti-racist education.

  • Our Subgroup on Curriculum Reform agreed their vision as: "Scotland's schools and early learning environments will promote and embed racial equity, anti-racism and global citizenship through their systems, leadership and curriculum drawing from a critical race theory framework. All of our learners and the people that support them will benefit from a curriculum, culture and ethos which reflect the diversity of the early learning and school community, Scotland and the wider world".

Action 2 - Providing support for children who have experienced racism.

  • Our Subgroup on Racism and Racist Incidents is currently developing an action plan to strengthen monitoring and reporting of racist incidents in schools when these occur, and to support actions to address, and prevent, future incidents.

Action 3 - Ensuring there are more ethnic minority teachers and staff in schools in Scotland.

  • Our Diversity in the Teaching Profession and Education Workforce Subgroup's vision is: "Scotland's education workforce reflects and supports the racial diversity of modern Scotland, thereby enriching the education experience for the whole school community."

Action 4 - Holding further discussions with MSYPs on our approach to anti-racism.

  • Three Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYPs) are members of our Stakeholder Network and on the Curriculum Reform Subgroup. Involving young people and centring the voices and experiences of young people of colour and young people with a racialised identity is key principle of the Curriculum Reform Subgroup - working with MSYPs will be a critical aspect of that.



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