
Children's advocacy in children's hearings - national scheme: good practice and issues arising

Progress report on the implementation of the children's hearings advocacy provision in the first year March 2020 to March 2021.

Part 7: Acknowledgments

123. The Scottish Government Team would like to thank all of the providers and partner agencies who shared information with us. From our perspective the more information we have, the easier it is for us to provide evidenced, balanced options to Scottish Ministers as we seek to enhance, expand the children's advocacy in children's hearings provision, and to inform policy development in other areas, such as The Promise.

124. We are really pleased with the "can do" attitude and the willingness to work together to make sure we are giving the best support to children and young people through their Hearings journey.

Children's Hearings Advocacy Team

Children's Rights, Protection and Justice

Scottish Government


February 2022



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