
Children's social work statistics 2017-2018

The latest data on children and young people looked after, on the child protection register and in secure care.

ISBN 978 1 78781 691 6 (Web only publication)
PPDAS 537206

Addenda / Errata


The data used to produce this publication has the subject of recent revision.  The 2017-18 data was not submitted by Glasgow City Council and in the 2017-18 publication we had to use Glasgow’s 2016-17 data.  The 2017-18 Glasgow data became available in the early summer of 2020 and is now incorporated in a republication of Childrens Social Work Statistics 2018-19.

An Addenda was published on 13th August 2019 in order to release data on the usage of emergency and short term beds in secure units. This data was not available when this publication was initially released on 26th March 2019. Table 3.2 has been updated to include the emergency and short term bed usage statistics, along with the commentary accompanying the table. More information on the Addenda is available in the Background Notes, sections 4.16 to 4.18. 

The HTML and PDF have been updated to reflect these changes.


An Errata was published on 27th March 2019 as a result of date changes on PDF pages 1, where 'Comparisons to 2017-18' was changed to 'Comparisons to 2016-17'.

A further Errata was published on the 22nd October 2019 as a result of changes on Page 24 of the publication, where the paragraph headed Bed complement should state that there are 7 rather than 6 beds for emergency and respite use. 

The figures for concerns identified at the case conferences of children who were on the child protection register at 31 July 2018, by local authority (additional table 4.5) were corrected.

The figures for young people discharged from, and admitted to secure care accommodation by gender and destination(additional tables 5.1 and 5.5) were corrected. 

The 2017-18 publication has been re-issued, with updates to the HTML and PDF versions of this publication to reflect these changes, and corrected additional tables and 4.5, 5.1, 5.5


Children's Social Work Statistics Scotland, 2017-18

What do these statistics include?
How do children come to be counted in these figures?

Children Looked After
Placement type
Care Plan
Children starting and ceasing to be looked after
Pathway Plans
Aftercare services
Continuing Care
Cross-UK looked after comparisons

Child Protection
Children on the child protection register
Child protection registrations and deregistrations
Child Protection Register Geographical Comparisons
Within Scotland
Cross-UK child protection comparisons

Secure Care Accommodation
Bed complement
Capacity and usage
Cross-UK secure care accommodation comparisons

What are the trends in other children's social work data?

Background notes
1. Context and related publications
2. Data sources and coverage
3. Definitions and notation
4. Data Quality and revisions
5. Enquiries

Annex A: Publication tables

Annex B: Additional tables

A National Statistics publication for Scotland



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