
Children's Social Work Statistics Scotland 2014/15

A compendium of statistics on looked after children, child protection and secure care statistics for 2014/15.

Annex B

Children's Social Work Statistics 2014-15

Additional tables

Excel versions of these tables will be made available here:

1. Looked after children 2014-15

Characteristics of looked after children at 31 July 2015

Table 1.1 by age group and gender

Table 1.2 by ethnic group

Table 1.3 by additional support needs status

Table 1.4 by type of accommodation

Table 1.5 by Legal Reason for Being Looked after

Children starting to be looked after between 1 August 2014 and 31 July 2015

Table 1.6 by age group and gender

Table 1.7 by ethnic origin

Table 1.8 by additional support needs status

Children ceasing to be looked after between 1 August 2014 and 31 July 2015

Table 1.9 by age group and gender

Table 1.10 by destination on discharge and age

Table 1.11 by ethnic origin

Table 1.12 by additional support needs status

Table 1.13 by age group and length of time looked after

Young people ceasing to be looked after between 1 August 2014 and 31 July 2015 who were beyond minimum school leaving age on date they ceased to be looked after

Table 1.14 by age group and destination on discharge

Table 1.15 by final accommodation type and destination on discharge

Young people eligible for aftercare services on 31 July 2015

Table 1.16 by age and type of accommodation

Table 1.17 by gender and economic activity

Table 1.18 by ethnic group and economic activity

Table 1.19 by additional support needs status and economic activity

Table 1.20 episodes of homelessness since becoming eligible for aftercare services

Table 1.21 and in receipt of aftercare services, with a pathway plan and pathway coordinator

2. Looked after data over time

Table 2.1 Number of children looked after 2002-2015 by age and gender

Table 2.2 Number of children looked after 2002-2015 by type of accommodation

Table 2.3 Number of children looked after 2003-2015 by ethnic origin

Table 2.4 Number of children looked after 2002-2015 by additional support needs status

Table 2.5 Number of children looked after by number of placements during the past year, 2012-2015

Table 2.6 Number of children ceasing to be looked after, by destination and age, 2002-2015

Table 2.7 Number of children looked after in a planned series of short-term placements, by gender and age 2002-2015

Table 2.8 Cross UK comparison of the number of looked after children and rate per 10,000 children under 18, 2004-2015

3. Looked after data by local authority

Local authority breakdowns of

Table 3.1 Children starting and ceasing to be looked after, 2014-15

Table 3.2 Characteristics of children looked after, 31 July 2015

Table 3.3 Children looked after by type of accommodation, 31 July 2015

Table 3.4 Percentage of care leavers beyond minimum school leaving age with a pathway plan and a pathway co-ordinator, 2014-15

Table 3.5 Young people eligible for aftercare services, percentage receiving aftercare and percentage in employment, education or training, 31 July 2015

4. Child protection additional tables

Table 4.1 Number of initial, pre-birth or transfer in child protection case conferences: 2007 to 2015 - by child's primary known/suspected abuser

Table 4.2 Number of children on the child protection register, 2007-2015 - by ethnic group, additional support need status and religion

Table 4.3 Concerns identified at case conference of children who were on the child protection register, 2012-15

Table 4.4 Movement on and off the child protection register, 2014-2015 by local authority

Table 4.5 Concerns identified at case conference by local authority

Table 4.6 Main abuser recorded at case conference by local authority

Table 4.7 Number of children on the child protection register across UK, 2004- 2015

Table 4.8 Rate of children on the child protection register per 10,000 children across UK, 2004-2015

5. Secure care accommodation additional tables

Chart 5.2 Secure care accommodation places, admissions and discharges, 2000-2015

Chart 5.3 Length of stay on discharge as a percentage of young people discharged during the year, 2000-2015

Table 5.1 Secure care accommodation capacity and usage, 2007-2015

Table 5.2 Young people in secure care accommodation, 2007-2015 by gender, age, additional support needs and length of stay

Table 5.3 Young people admitted to or discharged from secure care accommodation, 2007-2015, by age and length of stay

Table 5.4 Number and rate of young people admitted to secure care accommodation by local authority, 2013-2015

Table 5.5 Young people admitted to secure care accommodation: placement prior to admission and reason for admission by gender, 2014-15


Email: Ian Volante

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