Children's Social Work Statistics, Scotland 2020-21

Children's Social Work Statistics for Scotland for 2020 to 2021, including data on children and young people looked after, on the child protection register and in secure care accommodation.

Annex A - Children’s Social Work Statistics 2020-21 Publication Tables

Full Excel versions of these tables with additional detail are available in the supporting files accompanying the publication.

Illustration 1 All children in Scotland and relative number being looked after and on the Child Protection Register at 31 July 2021

Looked after children

Chart 1a Children looked after per 1,000 children under 18 by type of placement 1987-2021

Table 1.1 Number and percentage of children looked after in each type of placement, 2009-2021

Table 1.2 Children looked after with and without a current care plan, at 31 July 2021

Chart 1b Number of children starting and ceasing to become looked after at 31 July, 2003-2021

Chart 2 Children Starting and Ceasing to be Looked After by month, 2020 and 2021

Table 1.3 and 1.3a Number and percentage of children starting to be looked after by age and sex, 2003-2021

Table 1.4 and 1.4a Number and percentage of children ceasing to be looked after by length of time looked after and age, 2003-2021

Table 1.5 and 1.5a Percentage of children ceasing to be looked after, by destination, 2002-2021

Table 1.6 Pathway plans and nominated pathway coordinators of young people who were 16 or over on the date they ceased to be looked after during 2020-21

Table 1.7 Number and percentage of young people eligible for aftercare services, at 31 July 2021, by age and economic activity

Table 1.8 Children in Continuing Care

Chart 3 Cross-UK comparison of rate of looked after children per 10,000 children, 2004-2021

Child protection

Chart 4 Concerns identified at the Case Conferences of children who were on the Child Protection Register, 2000-2021

Table 2.1 Number of children on the Child Protection Register by age and sex, 2000-2021

Chart 5 Concerns identified at the Case Conferences of children who were on the Child Protection Register, 2020-21

Table 2.2 Number of registrations following an initial, pre-birth or transfer-in Case Conference by length of time since previous deregistration, 2007-2021

Table 2.3 Number of deregistrations from the Child Protection Register by length of time on register and reason for deregistration, 2007-2021

Chart 6 Child protection registrations and deregistrations by month, 2019-20 and 2020-21

Chart 7 Percentage of deregistrations by length of time on the Child Protection Register, 2007-2021

Table 2.4 Number of children on the Child Protection Register and rate per 1,000 population aged 0-15 by local authority, 2007-2021

Table 2.5 Number of child protection investigations, initial and pre-birth Case Conferences, registrations from these conferences and rates per 1,000 population aged 0-15 by local authority, 2020-21

Chart 8 Cross - UK Comparison of Rate of children on the Child Protection Register per 10,000 under 18s, 2004-2021

Secure care

Table 3.1 Secure Care Accommodation bed complement at 31 July 2021

Table 3.2 Secure Care Accommodation capacity and usage, 2013-2021

Table 3.3 Young people in Secure Care Accommodation by sex, age, disability and length of stay, 2015-2021

Table 3.4 Number of secure children's homes/Secure Care Accommodation units, places approved and children accommodated at year end across the United Kingdom, 2020-21


Chart 9 Children Referred to the Children’s Reporter and numbers looked after/on Child Protection Register, 2004-2021



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