
Planning Circular 1/2005: notification of planning applications development sffecting trunk roads and special roads

Guidance on situations where consultation on development proposals may not be required.


15 March 2005

ISBN 0 7559 3934 4

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The Chief Executive
Local Authorities

Copy to:
Heads of Planning
Heads of Roads and Transport

Dear Sir or Madam

1. This Circular alters Annex D of Scottish Office Circular 4/1997 relating to consultation on development proposals with the Scottish Executive's Trunk Road Network Management Division (previously referred to as the Department's Director of Roads). Annex D of the Circular provides guidance on a range of situations where consultation may not be required. To reflect the wider implications and cumulative impact of traffic from new developments, even where a new trunk road junction is not proposed, categories (a) and (g) are now to be deleted from Annex D. The effect of the alteration is to require planning and roads authorities to consult Trunk Road Network Management Division in situations where it was thought consultation may not have been previously required. Category (b) is altered to provide guidance regarding consultations on building extensions. It becomes the new category (a). Annex D is also updated to insert references to Scottish Ministers.

2. The revised Annex D is set out on the facing page. Please use it in place of Annex D in your copies of Circular 4/1997. It takes effect from the date of this Circular.

Enquiries and Further Copies

3. Any enquiries about the content of this Circular should be addressed to Graham Marchbank, Scottish Executive Development Department, Planning Division 4, Victoria Quay, Edinburgh EH6 6QQ (0131 244 7525) or e-mailed to Further copies and a list of current planning circulars may be obtained from the Scottish Executive web-site at or The Scottish Executive Development Department, Planning Division 1, 2-H Victoria Quay, Edinburgh EH6 6QQ (0131 244 7066)

Yours faithfully

Graham Marchbank signature

Graham Marchbank

ANNEX D of Circular 4/1997 (as amended by Circular 1/2005)


The Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (Scotland) Order 1992 (Article 15(1)(j)(i) and (ii) requires planning authorities to consult Scottish Ministers on certain types of development proposals affecting trunk roads. This consultation should be on Form TR/NPA/1 which should be completed by planning and roads authorities and sent to the Scottish Executive's Trunk Road Network Management Division who will consider the case and give their formal advice. If the planning authority propose to grant planning permission against such advice they are required to notify the application to Scottish Ministers. The Trunk Road Network Management Division have advised that they need not be consulted where development proposals in the categories below fall within 67 metres of an existing trunk or special road and do not involve a new or altered access thereto. This relaxation does not apply to any development proposals listed below falling within 67 metres of the preferred line for a proposed improvement to an existing trunk or special road. The categories are:-

a. extension to any residential building, or extension to any other building not involving additional accommodation of more than 500 cubic metres or half the cubic content of the original building (whichever is the smaller);

b. changes of use with no change in type or volume of traffic generated;

c. erection of up to 5 houses on sites not having direct access to a trunk road;

d. erection of a private garage not exceeding 100 cubic metres where there is already a vehicular access and turning facilities are or will be made available;

e. formation of a vehicular access (other than to a trunk road) for an existing private dwelling where turning facilities are or will be made available.


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