Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 (Licensing of Short-term Lets) (Amendment) Order 2024: business and regulatory impact assessment

Business and regulatory impact assessment for the 2024 Amendment Order providing a technical update to the Short-Term Lets licensing scheme. It includes provisions which have a practical effect on the operation of the scheme.

12. Implementation and Delivery Plan

Since the 2021 BRIA was published, a revised Licensing Order was laid which extended the deadline by which existing hosts needed to have made an application by six months to 1 October 2023. At date of publication of this BRIA, as there are applications by existing hosts still to be determined, the scheme is in a transitional period.

The Scottish Government published draft guidance on the licensing scheme for hosts and operators, licensing authorities, letting agencies and platforms in June 2021, and updated this in March 2022 and June 2023. The Scottish Government will continue to work with sector stakeholders, local authorities and others to ensure that non-legislative feedback continues to be taken into account.



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