
Civil justice statistics in Scotland: 2015-2016

Statistics on civil justice, which aims to resolve a range of disputes from debt and eviction to divorce.

Table 5: Family procedure cases 1 initiated and disposed of 2 in the civil courts 3, by case type, 2008-09 to 2015-16

Cases Case type 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 % change
since 2014-15
% change
since 2008-09
Initiated Divorce / dissolution 11,752 11,159 11,018 10,678 10,355 10,573 10,301 9,981 -3 -15
Parental responsibilities & rights 2,364 2,742 2,713 2,272 2,751 2,479 2,587 2,240 -13 -5
Interdict 381 409 262 329 370 352 292 278 -5 -27
Aliment 82 88 89 69 58 77 65 49 -25 -40
Exclusion order 7 18 26 14 14 16 19 14 -26 100
Nullity of marriage / civil partnership 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 -100 z
Other 250 317 386 316 314 356 340 330 -3 32
Total initiated 14,836 14,733 14,496 13,679 13,862 13,853 13,605 12,892 -5 -13
Disposed Divorce / dissolution 11,538 10,750 10,115 9,879 9,571 9,809 9,349 9,390 0 -19
Parental responsibilities & rights 1,276 1,416 1,596 1,542 1,638 1,634 1,575 1,613 2 26
Interdict 93 134 140 137 166 146 152 158 4 70
Aliment 55 46 50 64 32 54 40 36 -10 -35
Exclusion order 11 4 8 6 6 8 4 8 100 -27
Nullity of marriage / civil partnership 0 0 2 2 0 1 0 1 z z
Other 177 198 216 234 210 228 203 236 16 33
Total disposed 13,150 12,548 12,127 11,864 11,623 11,880 11,323 11,442 1 -13

1. Excludes family-related summary application cases, which are shown separately in Table 8.
2. Figures for initiations and disposals do not necessarily refer to the same cases.
3. Includes Court of Session and sheriff courts.
4. z refers to data not being applicable.


Email: Jeremy Darot

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