
Civil justice statistics in Scotland: 2015-2016

Statistics on civil justice, which aims to resolve a range of disputes from debt and eviction to divorce.

Table 12: Debt cases initiated and disposed of 1 in the civil courts, by case type and final disposal, 2015-16

Case type Initiated Disposed Disposed
Absolvitor Dismissed For pursuer Expenses only Other
Defended Undefended Defended Undefended Defended Undefended
Court of Session 8 8 4 2 0 0 2 0 0 0
Sheriff: ordinary cause 5,342 3,902 362 167 305 240 2,747 26 6 49
Sheriff: commercial 335 222 47 5 21 16 125 2 0 6
Sheriff: summary cause 3,896 3,490 162 110 828 45 2,298 5 9 33
Sheriff: small claim 25,338 24,953 602 575 8,315 241 14,682 21 301 216
Total 34,919 32,575 1,177 859 9,469 542 19,854 54 316 304

1. Figures for initiations and disposals do not necessarily refer to the same cases.


Email: Jeremy Darot

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