
Civil justice statistics in Scotland: 2018-2019

The 2018-2019 civil justice statistics in Scotland release includes main statistics tables, figures and supplementary statistics tables.

Table 13: Debt cases initiated and disposed of1 in the civil courts, by case type and final disposal, 2018-19

Absolvitor For pursuer Decree by default Dismissed2 Expenses only2 Other
Case type Initiated Disposed   Defended Undefended
Court of Session3 9 8 3 0 3 0 2 0 0
Sheriff: ordinary cause 4,218 3,344 407 200 2,139 44 529 1 24
Sheriff: commercial 305 208 47 17 108 6 25 0 5
Sheriff: summary cause4 6 35 4 4 4 0 23 0 0
Sheriff: small claim4 5 106 7 8 19 0 71 0 1
Sheriff: simple procedure4 25,210 26,569 725 899 15,985 1 8,635 311 13
Total  29,753 30,270 1,193 1,128 18,258 51 9,285 312 43

1. Figures for initiations and disposals do not necessarily refer to the same cases.

2. Data from the new case management system is not currently split between 'defended' and 'undefended', therefore these have been combined into a single category.

3. First instance business only – excludes appeals and reclaiming motions.

4. The first phase of simple procedure replaced the small claims and the more straightforward cases under summary cause procedure from 28 November 2016. 

More complex summary cause cases will move during phase two of simple procedure in due course.



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