
Civil justice statistics in Scotland: 2018-2019

The 2018-2019 civil justice statistics in Scotland release includes main statistics tables, figures and supplementary statistics tables.

Table 15: Personal injury cases1 initiated and disposed2 of in the Court of Session3, 2018-19

Absolvitor Dismissed For pursuer Expenses only Other  
Case type Initiated Disposed   Defended Undefended Defended Undefended Defended Undefended
Road traffic accident 114 106 73 3 1 24 0 1 0 4
Accident at work4 106 110 81 0 1 25 1 0 0 2
Clinical negligence 119 175 110 6 1 54 2 1 0 1
Asbestos5 116 135 69 2 1 58 2 0 0 3
Other6 72 69 44 2 0 18 0 0 0 5
Total 527 595 377 13 4 179 5 2 0 15

1. These statistics relate to cases that use personal injury procedure and standard ordinary cause procedure.

2. Figures for initiations and disposals do not necessarily refer to the same cases.

3. First instance business only – excludes appeals and reclaiming motions.

4. Accident at work includes vibration white finger and repetitive strain injury.

5. Asbestos includes all asbestos related conditions like asbestosis, pleural plaques, pleural thickening and mesothelioma.

6. Relative's claim is now included within 'Other'.



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