
Civil justice statistics in Scotland: 2018-2019

The 2018-2019 civil justice statistics in Scotland release includes main statistics tables, figures and supplementary statistics tables.

Table 17: Summary cause personal injury cases initiated and disposed of1 in the sheriff courts2, 2018-19

Absolvitor For pursuer Decree by default Dismissed3 Other
Case type Initiated Disposed Defended Undefended
Road traffic accident 2,550 1,989 595 599 191 5 589 10
Accident at work 31 35 21 6 4 0 4 0
Clinical negligence 26 2 2 0 0 0 0 0
Asbestos 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Slip, trip or fall 71 55 30 13 1 0 11 0
Other 80 72 32 13 7 1 19 0
Total 2,758 2,153 680 631 203 6 623 10

1. Figures for initiations and disposals do not necessarily refer to the same cases.

2. Excludes Sheriff Personal Injury Court.

3. Data from the new case management system is not currently split between 'defended' and 'undefended', therefore these have been combined into a single category.



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