
Civil justice statistics in Scotland: 2018-2019

The 2018-2019 civil justice statistics in Scotland release includes main statistics tables, figures and supplementary statistics tables.

Table A1: Count of writs1 of initiated cases by case category and number of craves, sheriff court cases, 2018-19

Case category Total writs1 Number of craves Percentages of writs with… Total craves
1 2 3+ 1 crave 2 craves 3+ craves
Debt 29,671 28,452 686 533 96% 2% 2% 31,666
Eviction 12,283 7,032 4,835 416 57% 39% 3% 17,951
Family Total Family 12,894 10,907 885 1,102 85% 7% 9% 17,310
Divorce/Dissolution 9,508 8,799 275 434 93% 3% 5% 11,426
Parental responsibilities and rights 2,555 1,635 477 443 64% 19% 17% 4,274
Other 831 473 133 225 57% 16% 27% 1,610
Personal Injury2 8,620 8,368 240 12 97% 3% 0% 8,909
Damages 2,795 2,736 44 15 98% 2% 1% 2,882
Repossession 1,870 1,705 53 112 91% 3% 6% 2,192
Other 923 720 161 42 78% 17% 5% 1,181
Total 69,056 59,920 6,904 2,232 87% 10% 3% 82,091

1. Total writs should generally equal the totals for sheriff courts and Sheriff Personal Injury Court published in Table 1, and the subsequent case categories. 

However, Scottish Courts and Tribunal Services use a 'live' case management system, and craves data was extracted at a later stage, so differences are explained by the different timings in extraction. The difference is small (approximately 1%). Future extract dates will be harmonised to ensure consistency.

2. Personal Injury data includes Sheriff Personal Injury Court.



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