
Cladding Remediation Programme: factsheet

Information for homeowners and residents about the Cladding Remediation Programme.

Cladding Remediation Programme pilot

The pilot phase

The ‘pilot phase’ of the Programme began in 2021, and was designed to identify a range of buildings to help inform the development of the Single Building Assessment (SBA) process.

Pilot buildings that have already been assessed

Several buildings within the pilot have already been assessed. This work will require a ‘refresh’ to ensure it is in line with the SBA specification. This will not mean starting the assessment process again, as all existing information will be made available to the competent, qualified person carrying out the refresh.

Either the developer or the government will commission the refresh. A number of developers have already committed to refreshing assessments in line with the SBA specification. All SBAs will have to meet compliance and assurance standards, which we aim to publish in November 2024.

Pilot buildings that have not yet been assessed

Buildings within the pilot that are yet to be assessed will use the SBA specification and standards for the assessment process.



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