
Community learning and development plans: guidance - 2021 to 2024

Guidance document setting out our expectations for education authorities and their partners when meeting duties in community learning and development (CLD) planning for 2021 to 2024 as per The Requirements for Community Learning and Development (Scotland) Regulations 2013.


This guidance document and accompanying information sets out the current national policy context that The Scottish Government expects local authorities and their partners to take into account when meeting their statutory requirements as set out in The Requirements for Community Learning and Development (Scotland) Regulations 2013 during the period, 2021-24. There is an expectation that Community Learning and Development (CLD) plans will be informed by this guidance. The guidance is intended to reinforce the valuable contribution that the CLD sector is making to supporting learners and communities during the Covid-19 crisis and beyond. It also takes into account the challenges that the sector is facing as a result of the pandemic and the impact this will have on CLD planning.

This guidance note will build on and does not replace previous guidance notes published in 2014 and the Revised Guidance published in 2017 to help with the creation and ongoing development of CLD plans. Advice published in previous versions of the guidance note continues to be relevant and should be read in conjunction with this guidance note when developing CLD plans for 2021-24.

Building on the important work that has taken place since the introduction of The Requirements for Community Learning and Development (Scotland) Regulations 2013, this guidance note provides key strengths and areas for improvement based on feedback from stakeholders and HMI inspections carried out between 2016 and 2019.

The guidance will also consider the workforce delivering outcomes for CLD and considerations for professional development to ensure education authorities and their partners have a skilled workforce, with the ability to identify and engage people and communities who require support from CLD services.

The final section of this guidance will outline the expectations on education authorities to meet The Requirements for Community Learning and Development (Scotland) Regulations 2013 within the wider policy context.

The Scottish Government recognises the role of the CLD sector across the public and third sector in providing invaluable support to Scotland’s learners and communities during the Covid-19 pandemic. By developing new and flexible ways to deliver key services with, by, and for vulnerable and marginalised learners in schools, colleges and communities. CLD approaches will also be key to planning for a full recovery and renewal to active civil society across Scotland.



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