
Cleaner Air for Scotland 2: delivery plan

A plan setting out timelines, milestones and responsible organisations for delivering the actions in Cleaner Air for Scotland 2: towards a better place for everyone.


Cleaner Air for Scotland 2 (CAFS 2) sets out how the Scottish Government will deliver further air quality improvements over the next five years. All of this is necessary if we are to secure our vision of Scotland having the best air quality in Europe – a quality of air that aims to protect and enhance health, wellbeing and the environment.

This Delivery Plan is structured around 10 priorities which reflect the 10 high level themes from the independently led review of Cleaner Air for Scotland completed in 2019:

1. Health
2. Integrated Policy
3. Placemaking
4. Data
5. Behaviour Change
6. Industrial Emissions Regulation
7. Tackling Non Transport Emissions Sources
8. Transport
9. Governance, Accountability and Delivery
10. Further Progress Review

A comprehensive consultation exercise was undertaken to inform CAFS 2. We have built on that process, continuing to engage with a range of partners to develop this Delivery Plan. The Plan outlines our priorities, outcomes and actions as well as delivery timescales. This encompasses actions being led or supported by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), Transport Scotland, NatureScot, Local Authorities and Health Protection Scotland.

We are clear on who is doing what, who is leading, who is supporting and who is ultimately responsible for delivering actions. Included at the end of the Delivery Plan is a more detailed table showing support roles for delivery organisations and timescales, which can be read in addition to the main Delivery Plan text.

To ensure accountability on progress, we will also publish a Progress Report for CAFS 2 on an annual basis. Simple and effective governance arrangements will also be delivered by establishing a Ministerial Group supported by a Delivery Group with a clear remit and well defined responsibilities for ensuring the actions in this Delivery Plan are delivered.

Priority Outcome Number of Actions Delivery Partners
Health Our interventions are proportionate, fair and effective informed by an improved understanding of the long term health effects and exposure of air pollution at levels comparable to Scotland. 5 Scottish Government, Health Protection Scotland and Transport Scotland
Integrated Policy We maximise co-benefits between air quality and related policy areas such as climate change, noise, transport, planning and agriculture amongst others to deliver enhanced benefits. 4 Scottish Government, SEPA and Local Authorities
Placemaking We promote and support the place principle with place-based approaches, delivering air quality improvements as a direct co-benefit of sustainable places. 7 Scottish Government, SEPA, Local Authorities and NatureScot
Data We address the gaps in both quality and coverage of air quality, transport and human health data in Scotland and provide effectively integrated datasets for use by local authorities and transport authorities. 9 Scottish Government, SEPA, Transport Scotland and Health Protection Scotland
Behaviour Change We ensure the Scottish public are aware of air pollution issues and empowered to make behaviour changes that contribute towards improving air quality and reducing exposure. 4 Scottish Government and SEPA
Industrial Emissions Regulation EU standards and principles relating to emissions of air pollutants continue to apply in Scotland following the UK's exit from the EU. 8 Scottish Government, SEPA and Transport Scotland
Tackling Non Transport Emissions Sources We address emissions from domestic (household) burning and agriculture, going beyond current regulatory and management approaches 16 Scottish Government, SEPA, Local Authorities, NatureScot and Industry
Transport We support a modal shift to active travel and public transport. This will mean, amongst other objectives, providing a transport system that facilitates active travel choices, better public transport provision and constraints upon private vehicle use, especially in urban centres where pollution and congestion are most acute. 26 Scottish Government, Transport Scotland, SEPA and Local Authorities
Governance We deliver simple and effective governance arrangements for CAFS 2. 7 Scottish Government, CAFS Delivery Group and SEPA
Review CAFS 2 is reviewed after 5 years 1 Scottish Government and SEPA



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