
Cleaner Air for Scotland 2: delivery plan

A plan setting out timelines, milestones and responsible organisations for delivering the actions in Cleaner Air for Scotland 2: towards a better place for everyone.

Priority 9: Governance, Accountability and Delivery

We will be clear on who is doing what, who is leading, who is supporting and who is ultimately responsible, so that CAFS 2 is delivered as a coherent, integrated and successful strategy.

Local Air Quality Management


28. We review and update Local Air Quality Management (LAQM) guidance to ensure the system continues to deliver appropriate actions for air quality at the local and regional level.


Our key medium term actions (to 2024)

  • The Scottish Government with support from SEPA will undertake a further revision of the LAQM policy guidance to take account of developments since the last update in 2016.
  • The Scottish Government with support from SEPA will develop a more systematic approach to Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) production and implementation, including a standardised format and a methodology for agreeing and setting defined timescales for completing individual measures, revoking Air Quality Management Area's (AQMAs) and reporting progress.

Our key long term action (to 2026)

  • The Scottish Government with support from SEPA will assess the advantages and disadvantages of extending LAQM assessment to all areas with public access, to provide the necessary evidence base on which to make a decision on whether this would deliver overall benefits.



29. We deliver simple and effective governance arrangements for CAFS 2.


Our key short term actions (to 2022)

  • The Scottish Government will establish a Ministerial Group to provide high level leadership and direction for CAFS 2.
  • The Scottish Government with support from SEPA will establish a Delivery Group with a clear remit and well defined responsibilities for ensuring that the actions in CAFS 2 are delivered.
  • The CAFS Delivery Group with support from the Scottish Government and SEPA will establish a series of specialist groups to provide advice to and support the work of the Delivery Group.
  • The CAFS Delivery Group with support from the Scottish Government and SEPA will produce an enhanced and strengthened annual performance report documenting progress in implementing CAFS 2.



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