Cleaner Air for Scotland 2: delivery plan
A plan setting out timelines, milestones and responsible organisations for delivering the actions in Cleaner Air for Scotland 2: towards a better place for everyone.
Tackling Non Transport Emissions Sources
Priority | Actions | Delivery Organisation (Lead) | Delivery Organisation(s) (Support) | Short Term | Medium Term | Long Term |
Domestic (Household) Combustion | Scottish Government with local authorities will consider what changes are needed to the current permitted development rights for flues for woodburning stoves and biomass boilers. | Scottish Government (EQCE &PAD) | Local Authorities | ● | ||
Domestic (Household) Combustion | Scottish Government will commission work to provide further evidence on the proportion of particulate matter (PM) emissions and other key pollutants attributable to domestic burning in Scotland, together with geographic and demographic distribution of domestic burning. | Scottish Government (EQCE) | N/A | ● | ||
Domestic (Household) Combustion | Scottish Government will encourage uptake of Ecodesign stoves through Ecodesign Ready and other initiatives, along with consideration of how best to address widespread replacement of pre Ecodesign appliances. | Scottish Government (EQCE) | Industry | ● | ||
Domestic (Household) Combustion | Scottish Government will work with business and industry to support educational schemes such as Woodsure and Ready to Burn, including manufacturers, suppliers and users of both fuels and appliances. | Scottish Government (EQCE) | N/A | ● | ||
Domestic (Household) Combustion | Scottish Government will work with local government and SEPA to consider revision of the Clean Air Act 1993. | Scottish Government (EQCE & SGLD) | Local Authorites/SEPA | ● | ||
Domestic (Household) Combustion | Scottish Government will take forward, working with businesses that may be affected and other interested parties, potential measures to control the supply of the most polluting domestic fuels – including a ban on house coal, restricting the sulphur content of smokeless fuels to 2%, prohibiting the sale of certain types of wet wood and introduction of a minimum renewables content for manufactured smokeless fuels. In taking forward this work, we are mindful that any new measures would require to be implemented over a period of time, such as a transitional period during which businesses could adapt to the new requirements without disproportionate costs. | Scottish Government (EQCE & SGLD) | N/A | ● | ||
Domestic (Household) Combustion | Scottish Government in developing policies and programmes to support households and businesses in transitioning to low-carbon heating solutions, will consider the needs of those affected by controls on the supply of the most polluting domestic fuels. | Scottish Government (CLC) | N/A | ● | ||
Agriculture | Scottish Government will continue to share best practice and raise awareness of greenhouse gases and ammonia, and actions that farmers and crofters can take to minimise their environmental impact while improving efficiency. | Scottish Government (APD) | SEPA | ● | ||
Agriculture | Scottish Government will work with farmers through farmer-led groups, supported by scientific and economic expertise to co-develop new ways of working to better contribute towards delivering Scotland's climate change and environmental outcomes | Scottish Government (APD) | ● | |||
Agriculture | Scottish Government will consider options to reduce emissions from large scale units in consultation with the agricultural sector, aligning with broader policy development around future rural support. | Scottish Government (APD and EQCE) | SEPA | ● | ||
Agriculture | Scottish Government will commission a specific assessment of visible smokes and their health and amenity impacts arising from muirburn. The assessment will consider pollution characteristics and downwind impacts into populated areas, along with appropriate management responses and interventions. | Scottish Government (EQCE) | SEPA/ NatureScot | ● | ||
Agriculture | Scottish Government will work together with SEPA and the agricultural industry to develop a voluntary code of good agricultural practice for improving air quality in Scotland | Scottish Government (APD and EQCE) | SEPA/ Agriculture Industry | ● | ||
Atmospheric nitrogen and environmental impacts | Scottish Government will use available data and other information to set a Scottish contribution for overall UK ammonia emissions reduction targets required under the National Emission Ceilings Directive. | Scottish Government ( EQCE) | Research support | ● | ||
Atmospheric nitrogen and environmental impacts | Scottish Government will support investigation into the method of assessing risk of significant harmful ecological effects from atmospheric nitrogen (nitrogen deposition and elevated concentrations of ammonia and NOx), comparing critical loads/levels with dose-response or other options. | Scottish Government ( EQCE) | N/A | ● | ||
Atmospheric nitrogen and environmental impacts | Scottish Government with support from NatureScot will assess the potential costs of implementing identified improvements to the current site condition monitoring of designated conservation sites, to improve on current methods which don't detect air pollution effects. | Scottish Government (EQCE) | SEPA/ NatureScot | ● | ||
Atmospheric nitrogen and environmental impacts | Scottish Government with support from NatureScot will commission a review of current monitoring of terrestrial ecosystems (and air pollution effects) in Scotland. | Scottish Government (EQCE) | SEPA/ NatureScot | ● |
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