
Cleaner Air for Scotland 2 strategy: progress report

This sets out the policy framework for air quality in Scotland to 2026 and includes a comprehensive list of actions across ten policy areas. This third annual report summarises progress on actions since the last report in September 2023.

Annex B: completed ongoing actions

Five actions are completed ongoing. These actions will be embedded in our current and future action to improve air quality. Updates for completed ongoing actions are provided in the table below. Each action in CAFS2 has been assigned a short (to 2022), medium (to 2024) or longer term (to 2026) timeframe for delivery within the Delivery Plan.

Topic and timeframe

CAFS2 Action


Transport (long term action)

Transport Scotland will collaborate with the private sector to identify effective pragmatic solutions on the uptake of zero and ultra low emission vehicles.

Scottish Government's Vision for the future public electric vehicle charging network for cars and vans and the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Fund (EVIF) support the public and private sectors to work together to grow the network.

In March 2024 the Zero Emission Truck Taskforce published its Pathway to HGV Decarbonisation.

Industrial emissions regulation (long term action)

Transport Scotland will develop an emission impact and evidence base on Transport Refrigeration Unit (TRU) emissions.

Transport Scotland are working with stakeholders on a collaborative approach as to how emissions from auxTRUs can be improved following publication of this report Air quality | Technical Reports and Guidance.

Industrial emissions regulation (long term action)

Transport Scotland will explore opportunities across traffic management, behaviours and legislation/standards to reduce non-exhaust emissions (NEE) from road traffic.

The Department for Transport (DfT) is currently developing a non-exhaust emissions (NEE) measurement system.

A key aim of this project is to improve knowledge on NEE and address the gaps so it can be used to inform policy and legislation aimed at reducing tyre and brake wear particulate emissions.

As road vehicle emissions are a non-devolved area, a UK approach to NEE is needed. We will engage with the UK government on future action to reduce NEE.

Industrial emissions regulation (long term action)

Transport Scotland will contribute into research to develop a consistent method of measuring non-exhaust emissions (NEE) from road traffic, in order to improve the understanding of NEE emissions in Scotland.

Governance, accountability and delivery (medium term action)

The Scottish Government with support from SEPA will assess the advantages and disadvantages of extending LAQM assessment to all areas with public access, to provide the necessary evidence base on which to make a decision on whether this would deliver overall benefits.

Any changes to air quality objectives to align more closely with the WHO guidelines will have implications for the current system of LAQM. We will as part of our review of CAFS2 consider the WHO guidelines and as part of this, review the LAQM system.



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