
Cleaner Air for Scotland - annual progress report 2017/18

Second annual progress report for Cleaner Air for Scotland strategy.

4. Next Steps

The CAFS Governance Group remains in place to oversee the ongoing delivery of the CAFS objectives and actions.

Key tasks over the next reporting period include:

  • Commencement of a full review of CAFS, a key element of which will be to give greater attention to other emission sources beyond transport such as agriculture, and to focus in more detail on effective coordination between air quality and climate change policies.
  • Establishment of Scotland’s first Low Emission Zone in Glasgow by the end of 2018.
  • Continuing preparatory work for introducing further Low Emission Zones in Aberdeen, Dundee and Edinburgh by 2020.
  • Publication of the NLEF guidance.
  • Further development of the NMF regional model.
  • Progressing the strategic-level Placemaking actions further in light of the planning review, to ensure that air quality is a key component in the review of the National Planning Framework and Scottish Planning Policy.
  • Support Transport Scotland’s ongoing review of the Green Fund Bus Fund and Bus Service Operators Grant Low Carbon Vehicles Incentive.
  • Draw together existing communications strands into a more comprehensive national air quality public awareness campaign.


Email: Andrew Taylor

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