
Cleaner air for Scotland review: consultation analysis

Analysis of responses to the consultation on a draft new air quality strategy for Scotland.


In November 2018 the Scottish Government commissioned an independently led review of its Cleaner Air for Scotland strategy, which was published in 2015. The aims of the review were to assess progress to date in implementing the strategy and to make recommendations for additional actions required to deliver further air quality improvements.

A report setting out the conclusions and recommendations arising from the review was published in August 2019[1]. These recommendations have been used to inform the development of a new air quality strategy, which was the subject of this consultation[2]. The consultation commenced on 30 October 2020 and closed on 22 January 2021.

994 responses were received, 907 of which resulted from a campaign. The remaining 87 responses can be grouped as follows:

Members of the public (individuals and groups) – 27
Business & industry – 19
Non Government Organisations (including charities, public bodies & special interest groups) – 16
Professional bodies & organisations – 15
Local authorities – 10

Two responses were also received on the Environmental Report which accompanied the consultation.

A list of respondents who have agreed for their names to be made public can be found in Annex A. Full consultation responses (where respondents have agreed to publication) can be found at

Other consultation approaches

Three online workshops were held to supplement the written consultation. Two of these, in December 2020, were organised by SEPA and themed around agriculture and domestic fuel burning. The third, in January 2021, was organised and hosted by Environmental Protection Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Government and covered transport, health & wellbeing, planning, communication and integrated policy[3].



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