
Cleaner air for Scotland: the road to a healthier future

A strategy setting out the Scottish Government's proposals for delivering further improvements to air quality.

12. Key Performance Indicators

Monitoring Progress

12.1 It is important that a methodology is in place for monitoring progress with CAFS. One approach to this will be through regular reporting on the key outcomes and objectives. Additionally, for central government and local authorities, a series of Key Performance Indicators ( KPIs) is proposed. The suggested KPIs are:

% change in NO 2 at each monitoring location, averaged over a three-year period.

% change in PM 10 at each monitoring location, averaged over a three-year period.

Share of public transport journeys in the overall modal split – % change and/or comparison to the national average.

Share of low emission vehicles in the overall modal split – % change and/or comparison to the national average.

Share of cycling and walking journeys in the overall modal split – % change and/or comparison to the national average.

12.2 The detailed information required under each KPI will be worked up during the first year of CAFS implementation and further information will be included in the first annual progress report.

Measurement and Reporting

12.3 We aim to report on the actions in CAFS annually in tandem with an update on the KPIs. The KPIs have been designed so that the information required should mostly be already available, thereby keeping to a minimum the additional work required. Local authorities should gather the necessary information on an annual basis and include such information as an annex to their air quality progress reports.


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