
Cleaner Air for Scotland strategy: independent review

Conclusions and recommendations from the independent review of the Cleaner Air for Scotland strategy.


Many thanks go to the Steering and Working Group members involved in this review. Similarly, thanks to colleagues co-opted and invited to contribute as well as to those interviewed and who otherwise contributed to the review. Particular thanks go to Paul McAleavey and Martin Adams and their teams in the EEA for access to a range of documents, presentations, colleagues and thoughts on the trajectory for air quality in Europe and the context of Scotland in particular. Colleagues in the bus industry, BHF researchers at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, in SEPA and from a few local authorities all came forward enthusiastically to help and significant work was done by the Working Group Chairs and their groups to provide structure and detail for our analysis and findings. Thanks also go to Dr Rachel Howell from Edinburgh University for her behavioural insights. Scottish Government and other partner bodies (Transport Scotland and SEPA notably) provided support to the groups and helped ensure delivery. This work was within the day job for some but was in addition to their normal loads for many and special thanks go to all for their serious commitment. It was appreciated. Thanks too go to Eleanor Pratt and Graham Applegate from SEPA who assisted hugely in the final stages of the process.

Professor Campbell Gemmell, 
Chair of the independent Steering Group



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