
Climate change delivery plan: meeting Scotland's statutory climate change targets

The Climate Change Delivery Plan sets out the high level measures required in each sector to meet Scotland's statutory climate change targets, to 2020 and in the long term.


1 To focus government and public services on creating a more successful country, with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish, through increasing sustainable economic growth. Government Economic Strategy at


3 The CCC's First Report: Building a low-carbon economy - the UK's contribution to tackling climate change was published on 1st December 2008

4 Scottish Energy Study, Volume 5 (November 2008)

5 The Stern Review: The Economics of Climate Change (October 2006)

6 World Bank estimates suggest that 1% of global GDP equates to around
$650 billion, taking into account both exchange rates and also the purchasing power of each world currency against the dollar, in 2007.



9 Carbon capture and storage refers to the suite of technologies that capture greenhouse gases from fossil fuels and store them in geological formations for the long term.

10 The Energy Pledges can be found in full at

11 Allocation from 2008 to 2020 is an estimate and may change depending on how the UK's new entrant reserve is allocated.

12 Available from:

13 The traded sector figure for 2006 includes estimated emissions from sites that joined the scheme in 2007 and 2008. Traded sector in 2020 excludes the extra coverage that will be added in 2013.

14 The UK Government is presently consulting on the roll out of smart meters. The consultation asks about the proposal to have a stand alone display unit, and the kind of data provided by, and accessibility of, the displays.



17 Domestic and international aviation emissions are computed without an adjustment for radiative forcing - this is in line with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories.

18 Note that the CCC's reference projection for road transport in Scotland shows a decrease due to the methodology used. This is described in more detail in the Technical Annex accompanying this Plan.

19 Source: Committee on Climate Change.

20 Source: King Review.

21 A term describing a disparate set of goals associated with the modernisation of the electricity transmission and distribution networks.

22 Committee on Climate Change.

23 Source: Main Transport Trends, Scottish Government (2008).

24 Note that the CCC's reference projection for road transport in Scotland shows a decrease due to the methodology used. This is described in more detail in the Technical Annex accompanying this Plan.

25 Potential efficiency savings are cautious estimates based upon a 2007 report, 'Low carbon commercial shipping' produced by AEA Energy and Environment for the Department for Transport.

26 Some of the Rural Land Use activities both emit and absorb carbon, so "net sources" means the sum of all activities that are net sources in the Inventory, and "net sinks" means the sum of all those that are net sinks



29 Including both analysis by AEA Technology (2008) and internal analysis by Forestry Commission Scotland.

30 The planting rate under a "business as usual" scenario is assumed to be the "mid" rate of 4,000 ha/yr from the the CEH Inventory and Projections of UK Emissions by Sources and Removals by Sinks due to Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry, available from:


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