Climate change duties - draft statutory guidance for public bodies: consultation
Public bodies have duties to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, contribute to the delivery of the Scottish National Adaptation Plan, and to act in the most sustainable way. This consultation seeks your views on draft guidance for public bodies in putting these climate change duties into practice.
Annex C: Resources
This annex collates the resources and sources of additional guidance identified within this document, plus additional resources which public bodies may find useful. These are provided for information only. The resources are grouped by topic. Further resources will be provided in each of the supplements in due course.
Legislation, statutory duties and impact assessment are highlighted in the section below for ease of reference.
- Scottish Government's adaptation policy
- Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024-2029 (SNAP3, 2024), Scottish Government
- Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024-2029: monitoring and evaluation framework (2024), Scottish Government
- Adaptation Scotland
- Adaptation Capability Framework, Adaptation Scotland
- Adaptation and the nature emergency report (2023), Climate Change Committee
- Climate Adapt: Sharing Adaptation Knowledge for a Climate-resilient Europe
- Climate risk - Independent Assessment of UK Climate Risk: advice to Government for the UK's third Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA3, 2021), Climate Change Committee
- Climate risk - UK Climate Risk
- Climate risk - UK Climate Change Risk Assessment 2022 – Policy paper (CCRA3), UK Government
- Climate risk - Climate Adaptation Toolkit and Risk and Opportunities Matrix, Local Partnerships
- Climate risk - Climate Risk Register Guide and Tool for universities and colleges, EAUC
- Climate risk - Guidance on Scenario Analysis for Non-Financial Companies, Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
- Coastal change - Coastal Change Adaptation Plan Guidance (2023), Dynamic Coast
- Coastal change - Dynamic Coast
- Coastal change - Planning and development: coastal change, NatureScot
- Communicating Climate Change Adaptation: A practical guide to values based communication (2024), Adaptation Scotland and Climate Outreach
- Flood Risk Management Plans, SEPA
- ISO 14909: 2019 Adaptation to climate change – principles, requirements and guidelines, International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
- Land use - Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry briefing (2021), UK Climate Risk
- Land use - Land Use and Climate Change Adaptation in Scotland: Insights report (2024), Adaptation Scotland
- Leaders Climate Emergency Checklist, Sustainable Scotland Network
- Local Authority Climate Contact Directory, Adaptation Scotland
- Local Climate Adaptation Tool (LCAT)
- Met Office – UKCP18 Guidance: Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs)
- Met Office – UKCP e-Learning modules (access by request)
- Met Office – UK Storm Centre
- A Pathways approach to adaptation planning (2017), Coast Adapt
- Public Sector Climate Adaptation Network (PSCAN), Adaptation Scotland
- Ready Scotland
- Regional Resilience Partnerships, Ready Scotland
- Re-thinking Cultural Heritage and Climate Change Adaptation, Open Educational Resources, The University of Edinburgh
- SME Adaptation tool – available on the Find Business Support website
Adaptation partnerships
- Aberdeen Adapts
- Climate Ready Aberdeenshire
- Climate Ready Clyde
- Climate Ready South East Scotland
- Highland Adapts
- Outer Hebrides
- Public Sector Climate Adaptation Network (PSCAN), Adaptation Scotland
- Tayside Adaptation Partnership
- Accounts Commission for Scotland
- Auditor General for Scotland
- Audit Scotland
- Auditing Climate Change Our Strategy (2022), Audit Scotland
- Christie Commission Review of Public Services in Scotland (2011), Scottish Government
- Decarbonising heat in homes report (2024), Auditor General
- Environmental and climate audits on the rise, 10th INTOSAI WGEA survey on environmental auditing (2021), INTOSAI WGEA
- Financial Reporting Manual (FReM), UK Government
- How the Scttish Government is set up to deliver climate change goals report (2023), Auditor General
- International Framework: good governance in the public sector, CIPFA
- International Organisation of Supreme Auditing Institutions (INTOSAI)
- Leader's Climate Emergency Checklist, Sustainable Scotland Network
- Public audit in Scotland 2023-28 (2023), Audit Scotland
- Public Sector Internal Audit Standards, UK Government
- Scotland's councils' approach to addressing climate change report (2022), Accounts Commission
- Successful Collaborations in the Public Services: the role of internal audit (2021), CIPFA
- Technical guidance for external auditors, Audit Scotland
Behaviour change and public engagement
- Scottish Government's community led climate action policy
- Scottish Government's community empowerment policy
- Community climate action hubs: contact details, Scottish Government
- Guidance on asset transfers (community empowerment), Scottish Government
- Influencing behaviours: ISM technical guide (2013), Scottish Government
- Net Zero Nation: public engagement strategy (2021), Scottish Government
- Participatory Budgeting in Scotland - PB Scotland
- Scottish Communities Climate Action Network (SCCAN) and Transition Network Hub for Scotland
Carbon management
- ETS - Guidance on the ETS, SEPA
- ETS - Participating in the UK ETS guidance (2024), UK Government
- ETS - UK Emissions Trading Scheme
- ISO Net Zero Guidelines
- Net Zero Public Sector Building Standard
- PAS 2080 Carbon Management in Infrastructure and Built Environment, BSI
- Public Sector Leadership on the Global Climate Emergency (2021), Scottish Government and Sustainable Scotland Network
- RICS whole life carbon assessment, RICS
- Route to Net Zero Standard, Carbon Trust
- Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi)
- Scottish City Region and Growth Deals: carbon management guidance for projects and programmes (2022), Scottish Government
- UK Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard
Circular economy
- Scottish Government's policy on circular economy
- Making Things Last: a circular economy strategy for Scotland (2016), Scottish Government
- Zero Waste Scotland
Climate change policy
- Scottish Government's climate change policy
- Green Industrial Strategy (2024), Scottish Government
- Securing a Green Recovery on a Path to Net Zero: Climate Change Plan 2018–2032 Update (2020), Scottish Government
- Climate Change Committee
- The Climate Change Committee's Local Government and the Sixth Carbon Budget Report (2020)
- Climate X Change – Scotland's centre of expertise connecting climate change research and policy
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
- AR6 Synthesis Report: Climate Change 2023, IPCC
- The Carbon Scenario Tool report, Edinburgh Climate Change Institute (2022)
- The Paris Agreement, United Nations Climate Change
Climate data: sources
- Adaptation Scotland – Climate change trends and projections
- British Geological Survey - Datasets
- Dynamic Coast
- Forest Research - Climate Change Hub: Home of UK forestry climate change adaptation guidance
- Forest Research - ForestGALES
- IPCC - Sixth Assessment Report — IPCC
- Local Climate Adaptation Tool (LCAT)
- Met Office - Local Authority Climate Service
- Met Office - Met Office UKCP18 products
- National Trust - Hazard Mapping Tool
- • Scottish Public Health Observatory (Scot PHO) - Population or community health profiles
- SEPA (Scottish Environment Protection Agency) – Flood maps
- UK Climate Risk
- UK Climate Risk - National summaries
- UK Climate Risk Indicators (
- UK Government – open data
- UK Government - Flood Risk Management (FRM) Local Plan Districts
Climate plans and sectoral approaches: examples from the public sector
- Aberdeenshire Council – Climate Change and Sustainability webpage, includes links to download key documents including the Route map to 2030 and beyond, and supporting Action Plan; and climate risks.
- Creative Scotland – A Climate Emergency and Sustainability Plan for Creative Scotland (2022)
- Dundee and Angus College – Climate Emergency Action Plan 2021-2026 Our path to net-zero (2021)
- Dundee City Council – Dundee Climate Action Plan (2019)
- Dumfries and Galloway College – Climate Change Action Plan 2020-2025
- Forestry and Land Scotland – Climate Change Plan (2021)
- Glasgow City Council – Glasgow's Climate Plan Our response to the Climate and Ecological Emergency
- Historic Environment Scotland – Climate Action Plan 2020-2025
- NatureScot – NatureScot Adapts Framework (2024)
- NatureScot – Net Zero Plan (2021)
- NHS Scotland - A policy for NHS Scotland on the climate emergency and sustainable development (DL (2021) 38)
- NHS Scotland - The NHS Scotland Climate Emergency Strategy 2022-2026
- Scottish Funding Council, HE/FE sector, Net Zero and Sustainability Framework for Action (2022)
- Scottish Water – Climate Change Adaptation Plan 2024 (2024)
- Scottish Water – Net Zero Emissions Routemap
- Shetland Islands Council – Climate Change Strategy 2023-2027 and Action Plan (2023)
- Transport Scotland – Transport Scotland's Approach to Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience
- University of Edinburgh – Zero by 2040 Climate Strategy 2016-2026 (2016)
- University of St Andrews – Environmental Sustainability Strategy Net Zero by 2035 (2021)
Environment and biodiversity
- Scottish Government's biodiversity policy
- Scottish Government's environmental assessment policy
- The Environment Strategy for Scotland (2020), Scottish Government
- Scottish Biodiversity Strategy to 2045 (2024), Scottish Government
- Scottish Biodiversity Delivery Plan 2024-2030 (2024), Scottish Government
- CREW Centre of Expertise for Waters – connecting water policy and science
- Environmental Standards Scotland
- Historic Environment Scotland
- NatureScot – Scotland's nature agency
- Scottish Government's economic policy
- Accounting for Sustainability
- Best value in public services: guidance for accountable officers (2011), Scottish Government
- Business case guidance for projects and programmes, HM Treasury
- Carbon valuation, UK Government
- Financial Reporting Manual (FReM), UK Government
- Fiscal Sustainability Perspectives: Climate Change report (2024), Scottish Fiscal Commission
- Green Book: Central Government Guidance on Options and Appraisal, HM Treasury
- Green Book supplementary guidance: climate change and environmental valuation, HM Treasury, UK Government
- Green book supplementary guidance: Valuation of energy use and greenhouse gas emissions for appraisal, HM Treasury, UK Government
- Guide to Adaptation Finance and developing adaptation finance business cases, Adaptation Scotland
- International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation
- IFRS S1 General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information
- IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures
- Investment for a well-adapted UK report (2023), Climate Change Committee
- Monetary Valuation of Risks and Opportunities in CCRA3, Report to the Climate Change Committee as part of the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment 3 (2021). Paul Wakiss Associates, UK Climate Risk.
- National Strategy for Economic Transformation (NSET), Scottish Government
- Net Zero Practical Guide for Finance Teams, Accounting for Sustainability
- The role of local government and its cross-sectoral partners in financing and delivering a net-zero Scotland report (2023), Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee, the Scottish Parliament
- Scottish Fiscal Commission
- Scottish National Investment Bank
- Scottish Public Finance Manual, Scottish Government
- Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
- Scottish Government's health and social care policies
- Climate change: health effects in the UK (HECC), UK Health Security Agency, UK Government
- Global Green and Healthy Hospitals
- Health Care Without Harm
- Health impact assessment (HIA) guidance and tool, developed by Public Health Scotland
- NHS Scotland - A policy for NHS Scotland on the climate emergency and sustainable development (DL (2021) 38, Scottish Government
- NHS Scotland - The NHS Scotland Climate Emergency Strategy 2022-2026
- Pathways to a healthy net-zero future: report of the Lancet Pathfinder Commission (2024), Whitmee, Sarah, et al. The Lancet, Volume 403, Issue 10421, 67-110
- Public Health Scotland
- Public Health Scotland's adverse weather and health plan 2024-2027, Public Health Scotland, 2024.
- Scottish Public Health Observatory
- Scottish Public Health Observatory Online Profile tools
- Working together to build climate-resilient, healthy and equitable places: A briefing for local government and partners (2023), Public Health Scotland
Just transition
- Scottish Government's just transition policy
- Adaptation and social justice report (2023), Committee for Climate Change
- Climate Just mapping tool
- Draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan (2023), Scottish Government
- Grangemouth Industrial Cluster – draft Just Transition Plan (2024), Scottish Government. Stakeholder consultation on Citizen Space.
- Just Transition - A Fairer, Greener Scotland: Scottish Government response (2021), Scottish Government
- Just transition for the built environment and construction sector: a discussion paper (2023), Scottish Government
- Just transition for the Grangemouth industrial cluster: discussion paper (2023), Scottish Government
- Just transition for the transport sector: a discussion paper (2023), Scottish Government
- Just transition in land use and agriculture: a discussion paper (2023), Scottish Government
- Just Transition Commission
Land, land use and natural capital
- Scottish Government's agriculture and the environment policy
- Scottish Government's forestry policy
- Scottish Government's policy on land use
- Scotland's third Land Use Strategy: Land use: Getting the best from our land 2021 to 2026 (2021), Scottish Government
- Carbon credits - Gold Standard
- Carbon credits - Peatland Code
- Carbon credits - Woodland Carbon Code
- Crown Estate Scotland
- Delivering community benefits from land guidance, Scottish Land Commission
- Enabling a Natural Capital Approach guidance, UK Government
- Interim Principles for Responsible Investment in Natural Capital, Scottish Government
- James Hutton Institute – scientific research and solutions for sustainable land and resource use
- Land Rights and Responsibilities Statement 2022, Scottish Government
- Land Rights and Responsibilities Protocols (guidance and webinars), Scottish Land Commission
- Natural Capital Market Framework (2024), Scottish Government
- Reporting on land based emissions - Land Sector and Removals Guidance, GHG Protocol
- Scottish Forum on Natural Capital
- Scottish Land Commission
- SRUC Scotland's Rural College
Place based approaches
- Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy
- Participatory mapping of climate impacts, Adaptation Scotland
- Place Standard with a climate lens
- Reporting - Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol for Cities
- Reporting - The Global Protocol on Community-Scale Emission Inventories, produced by the GHG Protocol initiative of the World Resources Institute and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development
- Scottish Government's community planning overview
- Scottish Government's planning and architecture overview
- Community Planning guidance – Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015, part 2 Community Planning: guidance (2016), Scottish Government
- Local Development Planning Guidance (2023), Scottish Government
- Local Development Planning Guidance – Annex C: Impact Assessments (2023), Scottish Government
- National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4)
- Scottish Government's public sector procurement policy
- Public Procurement Strategy: 2023 to 2028 (2023), Scottish Government
- Statutory Guidance on the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 including the sustainable procurement duty
- SPPN3/2022 Public procurement - taking account of climate and circular economy considerations
- Sustainable Procurement Tools
- Circular procurement guidance, Zero Waste Scotland
- Driving Emission Reductions through the Public Sector Supply Chain: Scope 3 Procurement Emissions report (2023), by Sustainable Procurement Limited and Aether Limited on behalf of ClimateXChange
- Biodiversity duty reporting guidance, NatureScot
- Biodiversity duty reporting templates, Scottish Government
- Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)
- Conversion factors for reporting of GHG emissions, UK Government
- GHG Protocol - Greenhouse Gas Protocol
- GHG Protocol - Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard
- GHG Protocol - Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard
- GHG Protocol - Scope 3 Calculations Guidance
- GHG Protocol - Land Sector and Removals Guidance
- GHG Protocol - Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol for Cities
- GHG Protocol - Global Protocol on Community-Scale Emission Inventories, produced by the GHG Protocol initiative of the World Resources Institute and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development
- Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy
- Guidance for Scottish colleges and universities: Public Bodies Climate Change Duties Reporting, EAUC Scotland
- International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation
- Local Authority GHG Emissions datasets produced annually as Official Statistics by the UK Government, under the National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (NAEI)
- Net zero manual and other resources, Sustainable Scotland Network (SSN)
- Scottish Climate Intelligence Service
- Streamlined Environmental and Carbon Reporting (SECR), UK Government
- Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
Risk management
- Management of risk in government: framework, UK Government
- Orange Book: Management of risk, HM Treasury, UK Government
- Scottish Public Finance Manual, Scottish Government
Sustainable development and equalities
- Scottish Government's policy on sustainable procurement
- Scottish Government's community empowerment policy
- Scottish Government's policy on international development
- Choosing dimensions: the capability approach and multidimensional poverty, Sabina Alkire (2007), Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative, University of Oxford
- Doughnut economics, Kate Raworth
- Education for Sustainable Development, The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA)
- Equality and Human Rights Commission
- Equality Trust
- Food for Life
- Guidance on asset transfers (community empowerment), Scottish Government
- Health impact assessment (HIA) guidance and tool, developed by Public Health Scotland
- How to Apply the Capability Approach to Housing Policy? Concepts, Theories and Challenges (2020), Housing, Theory and Society, 37(3), pp. 257–277.
- Human Rights - Scottish Government's human rights policy
- Human Rights - Scottish Human Rights Commission
- Human Rights - The European Convention on Human Rights
- Human Rights - Taking a children's human rights approach: guidance (2024), Scottish Government
- Local food for everyone: our journey (2024), Scottish Government – the local food strategy
- National Performance Framework
- Participatory Budgeting in Scotland - PB Scotland
- Planetary Boundaries, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University
- Planetary boundaries - A Good Life for All Within Planetary Boundaries project, University of Leeds
- Principles for Sustainable Land Use, Scotland's third Land Use Strategy: Land use: Getting the best from our land 2021 to 2026, Scottish Government
- Sustainable development impact assessment (SDIA) tool developed by the Scottish Parliament (available to download and use)
- "Target 2030" A movement for people, planet and prosperity, Learning for Sustainability: action plan 2023 to 2030 (2023), Scottish Government
- UK Shared Framework for Sustainable Development, Sustainable Development Commission
- United Nations - United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs)
- United Nations - CRC/C/GC/26: General Comment No. 26 (2023) on children's rights and the environment with a special focus on climate change (2023), United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner
Theory of Change
- Center for Theory of Change
- Mapping Change Using a Theory of Change to Guide Planning and Evaluation (2018), GrantCraft
- Theory of Change UNDAF Companion Guidance, United Nations Development Group
- The Theory of Change Process – Guidance for Outcome Delivery Plans, Government Analysis Function, UK Civil Service
- Carbon Literacy Project
- Climate Solutions courses, Royal Scottish Geographical Society
- National hub for the retrofit of traditional buildings, Historic Environment Scotland
- Sustainable Procurement Tools
- Becoming Climate Resilient training, Sniffer
Travel and transport
- Scotland's National Transport Strategy 2 (2020), Transport Scotland
- Commuter Emission Calculator, Zero Waste Scotland
- Commuting Survey Guide and Tool for the post-16 education sector, EAUC
- Domestic and International Student Relocation Travel Emissions Calculator Tool, Sustainability Exchange, EAUC
- Transport Scotland – the national transport agency for Scotland
Waste and recycling
- Digital waste tracking across the UK, UK Government
- Waste regulations, guidance and data, SEPA
- Zero Waste Scotland
Wellbeing economies
- Scottish Government's economic policy
- National Strategy for Economic Transformation (NSET), Scottish Government
- Wellbeing Economy Monitor (2022), Scottish Government
- Wellbeing economy toolkit: supporting place based economic strategy and policy development (2022), Scottish Government
- Applying Resilience Thinking: Seven principles for building resilience in socio-ecological systems, Stockholm Resilience Centre
- Institute for Social Capital
- New Economics Foundation
- Schumacher Centre for a New Economics
- Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University
- Towards an EU Wellbeing Economy – A fairer, more sustainable Europe post Covid-19 (2020), WWF
- Wellbeing Economy Alliance
- Wellbeing Economy: an effective paradigm to mainstream post-growth policies? Ecological Economics, Volume 192, 2022, 107261
- Wellbeing Economy Expert Advisory Group, Scottish Government
- Wellbeing Economy Governments (WEGo), Scottish Government webpage
- Wellbeing Economy Governments (WEGo), Wellbeing Economy Alliance webpage
- Wellbeing Economy Ideas for Cities: Lessons for Implementation, Journal of City Climate Policy and Economy, 2024 2:2, 189-203
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